A/n Im back Loves! 💗 sorry i've been MIA since july but im back
Ashtons POV
Luke, Calum, and myself all just woke up and I started breakfast with calum insisting we have pancakes so while I did the pancakes Calum and Luke watched Morning cartoons. Once I finshed I yelled "boys breakfast" and they came running like a pack of hungry wolves, as they started dishing their plates I noticed we were missing the loudest person in the house Michael.
Lukes POV
I noticed as soon as we all sat down I knew we were missing someone I mean why else would it be this quiet, so being the nosy person I am I jogged up the stairs to check on him. And the sight I found was beyond adorable he was rolled in a blanket burrito with his red spikes sticking out of the top, so I decided to jump on the bed but when I jumped and he didn't move I screamed MICHAEL at the top of my lungs and nothing... That's when I got worried and screamed for help.
Calum's POV
Ash and I were eating when all of the sudden we heard screaming from upstairs me and ash looked at eachother and bolted what we saw when we got upstairs was luke in tears
so I said "luke what's wrong buddy" Mi-chael H-hee Won't WW-ake Up luke sobbed so ashton pulled him in the hallway while I checked michael and he was out cold I checked his forehead and realized he was burning ash call 911
Call 911 cal said and that made me panic so I quickly dialed the number and explained what's going on and the peremedics immeditly rushed up stairs while we stood there comforting eachother. The peremedics came down with michael on the strecher and said they were taking him to the hospital to get his fever down so we let luke ride with him.
Ash POV When we got to see michael again he was hooked up to all these wires and machines and he had ice packs all over his body but the doctor said his fever is still climbing but what we did see that made me and cal happy was luke snuggled next to him and that's when I knew he was going to be just fine.
Btw I miss red hair michael so much ugh!😩