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I now fully believe that the free clinic just perpetually smells like a nursing home.  A hacking wheeze sounds from my left as I twirl around a hurtling cart- nearly being knocked on my ass.

As ironic as it is, I cannot stand the sound of constant hacking.  I know I know, how could I survive medicine if I hate the sound of coughing? It's hard.  But hey, everyone has a burden, right?

All jokes aside, I was not having a lot of fun in the Dandy clinic.  Or was it Danny? ...Something or other.  I tried to ask a nurse but she awkwardly avoided my gaze. 

 I stick my hand behind a cheap curtain and wave it about, letting the patient know I was coming in.  I then pull it back and grab out a pen from my pocket.  

"Mr. Rossi?" I lift my eyes upward at the smiling man on the bed.  He flattens his jeans with a wink.  His face is pulled tightly downwards but lifted with prominent cheekbones.  His turned eyes resemble a cat.  I can tell he is around thirty years old.  It is obvious that he is aware of his attractive features.

"Yes, dear?" He smiles yet again, flashing two giant rows of sparkling teeth.  "Mi amore?" He adds.

"Uh, yes.  Anyway," I brush off his odd demeanor as I scan down the chart.  "Any symptoms you would like to talk to me about today?"

"Oh, yes!" Mr. Rossi leans forward intently.  "But first, call me Oliver."

"Oliver." I nod and hope that he gets the hint to continue.

"Beautiful." It is as if he watched the word come out of my  mouth one letter at a time.  "I am feeling quite dizzy, sick to my stomach as well.  I feel a little weak on my feet."

I write down what he says quickly, hoping it's just a flu and I can get on with my day.

"Could it be," Oliver looks down quickly, "no!"

"What?" I click the pen a few times as he chuckles.

"Could it be love, mi amore?" 

"Excuse me?" I can't help but laugh a little. 

"How can it not?  Such a exquisite woman!  Quite a spark, and curves in all the right places.  Yes?" He looks up for my approval, but I am not smiling.

"Listen," I set my binder down beside him and cross my arms.  "Many other people would love to take your spot.  So, can you please stop taking up my time?"

Oliver hangs his head.  "My apologies."

"Now, is there anyone who came with you? Someone who can give me real answers?"

"That would be me." A short man almost stumbles into our little curtained section.  His presence comes with the sharp smell of spicy cologne.  His face is littered with a sad  excuse for facial hair, but his eyes are kind. "Sorry, I had to pee."

"Rico." He extends a hand towards me.  I take it hesitantly and return to grab my binder. His hands are still wet from what I can assume was washing his hands.

"Alright, Rico." I sniff and pray that it's not Oliver's stare that I can feel on my boobs.  "Have you noticed any symptoms in Mr. Rossi?"

"A few!" Rico nods fervently and shifts awkwardly.  He looks at Oliver with uncertainly before continuing.  "May I tell you elsewhere?"

I pause for a second, "sure."

Oliver doesn't notice the remark and instead begins to sing.  He waves his arms about and begins to shimmy, shaking the hospital bed.

"Please." Rico interjects the impromptu talent show.  

I exit the section with Rico and notice him fiddling with his sweaty palms.   Rico looks back, making sure we aren't in earshot.  

"He's had some real mood changes. Oliver is a stern man, he would never act this way.  It's like he's a whole different person!  He's paranoid too, so he's lost a bit of sleep. I have no idea what is wrong with him.  It's like he's been replaced." Rico cringes at his out of the ordinary statement. 

"Thank you, Rico.  I'll just take a bit of blood from him and run some tests, okay?" I think about patting the man on the shoulder for reassurance but feel so awkward just thinking about it.  My hand remains gripped around my clipboard.  

Rico turns and walks back to Oliver's section before giving a tiny wave.  I nod upwards in recognition. 

Only ten more hours to go...


I back up into the counter space and jump up so my feet dangle off.  I can't even feel my feet anymore and I want nothing more than a warm bath... Maybe some wine?

A throat is cleared. "Doctor Revard?" I open my eyes, I didn't even realize they were closed.

Chief Webber stands with his hands folded together.  Of course he comes down when I am doing nothing.  He should've been here earlier when I had to convince Oliver that he had General Paresis.  And yes folks, that means syphilis.  The man had syphilis which messed with his head. What a day! Which brings me back, should I get red or white wine?

"Doctor Revard." Webber repeats again, this time with a sterner voice.  I silently curse myself for ignoring him to think about my wine of the night.

"Sorry." I hop off the counter.  I fix my clothes as an attempt to look more professional. 

"It's getting pretty late," he begins.

Oh my god.  He's letting me go home.

"No way! Chief Webber, thank you so much! You cannot believe how bad I need to binge watch Scrubs right now- it's not even funny." I poke him in the side with an elbow jab. 

He slowly looks down at his side where I jabbed him and then back at me.  "No, your work isn't done."

SHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIT. If anyone around me could read minds they could surely hear me screaming internally.

"Oh," I let out a forced laugh. "I knew that."

"Sure." Webber's lips meet in a tight line.  "I need you to catch the bus to try and bring Doctor Sloan back." He slips me a piece of paper.  "The address is there."

"But I thought Doctor Shepard was doing this?" My stomach deflates like someone popped it with a needle.  I can even hear the squeak of air leaving it.  

"He failed. Now, you go.  You're on probation- remember?" Webber raises an eyebrow. "You can report back to me tomorrow when you come into work, yes?"  

And with that he turns on his heel and walks right out.  

Damn, he's got me this time.

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