So This is the Village

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            The roads below us became more and more crooked and windy. The grass that used to grow on the sides were replaced with heaps of burnt hay. There were many remains of houses and huts. The day grew darker even though it wasn’t anywhere near sunset.

            “This is creepy,” Aqua commented, hugging her horse’s neck tighter. “Evil. Pure evil.”

            “Are you kidding me?” Safire was smiling, enjoying herself. “Look at this. It’s awesome. There must be fire users here. Look at that hut. It’s burned to the ground.”

             Aaron was trying to grin but remained quite solemn. “That’s because there are fire users here. They aren’t that strong, but they can be deadly. They are deadly.”

           That wiped the smile right off her face.

          I instructed Clouds to leap into the air. ‘Hey, why don’t I go and scout from above. Should be safe enough.”

           My sisters and Aaron reluctantly agreed. “Be safe,” they all warned.

            From above, I could see the town. It was not big, like our Palace City, but it seemed large and confusing. Various kinds of people and things were paroling the streets. They seemed unusual and strange. The people seemed to be walking in sync. Right foot, then left.

           There were also things parading the streets. One thing was huge, maybe twenty feet tall, and as hairy as a sasquatch. Then I peered closer. Wait, it was a sasquatch!

          Another thing was as weird as an alien. It had huge wadded feet and a small, triangle head. It was dark green and as short as a bounded book.

          Quickly, I turned around and darted back to the group. “You won’t believe what I saw!” I told them what I had seen.

            “That’s Funnel Village for you,” Aaron added. “The people are scary, the crime is the highest… It’s on the boarder of Donstania and Levi, a smaller kingdom. No one seems to want to take responsibility for the village.”

            “Levi?” Galena asked. “There are other kingdoms?”

            Aaron nodded. “Do you not know your history? Levi used to be part of Donstania but then a war broke out in rebel against King Lucas. King Zachariah, of Levi, won and declared independence from us. While our army was weak, your great, great, great grandfather, Judah, took the throne. He was much better than King Lucas but Levi had already become independent.”

            I exchanged glances with my sisters.

            “You know so much about history,” Aqua gushed, batting her eyelashes.

            Aaron ignored her flirting and turned to the rest of us. “Do you know how important your family line is?” He went on when he saw our flummoxed looks. “King Judah gave the throne to his son, Prince Saul, another powerful warlock. His power was telepathy. Prince Saul then had a son named King Winston, gifted in crafts and iron making. King Winston then had a daughter named Queen Deborah, the most beautiful women of the time. Queen Deborah married suitor, Dane, and bore a son named Darius, a skilled warrior. However, there was something about his wife, Hannah, which was powerful as well. Not many people know this but Hannah was a descendant of Ericka and Troy.  And that’s what got you guys your powerful powers.”

            The horses kept walking and the only sound was from their hooves.

            “How do you know this?” Galena questioned.

            Aaron looked at us in the eyes. “My father, the knight Sir Delgado, used to hunt with Hannah as children. They were the closest of friends. My father was more in love with your mother than…” His voice trailed off.

            We all sat still. It was a lot to think about.

            Finally Aaron spoke, “We are nearing the town.”

            I checked my wrist for my bracelet and put on my crown. My dress was tattered but it was the only dress I had brought.

            Just as I had seen from my bird’s eye view, the streets were stretched across hills, with several, strange people-like things walking on them.

            The people looked up at us as we entered the main street. There were several market places and merchants who all stared at us in confusion.

            “Who are you?” a crooked man with a stubby beard asked us. He seemed to have a dirty appearance which consisted of muddy clothes and a droopy expression. His pupils seem so small and beady as they would dart from place to place. He wore a large overcoat despite the moderate weather. His hair seemed like an apple, as it was bright red. He wore a scowl on his face that seemed to say, I hate everything. I will always be unhappy.

            Aaron hopped off of his horse which made them more relaxed. “Terribly sorry to disturb your – uh - normal activities but we are here with important matters to complete.”

            The same droopy man spat at Aaron which made me want to punch him. “Rich kid, aren’t ya? Think you’re too good for us working class, eh? Scat, boy!”

            That didn’t stop Aaron. He just stood up straighter. “Listen here, sir. I ain’t no rich boy.  I am of the Paupers. I don’t live in no palace. But I still know when I’ve got to stop evil. Understand, sir?”

            The man looked scared at first but then smiled. “You Delgado boy then? The drummer boy?”

            Aaron nodded. “Yes, do you know the way to King Ward’s castle?”

          The man stuck his hand out to Aaron. “The Dark Tower? My name is Langston.” Then he turned to my sisters and I. “Princesses of Donstania? We’ve been waiting for your arrival.”

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