Chapter 8~

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Y’Lisse’s P.O.V

This is all Parvani’s fault! I screamed in my head.

We both know it’s not. Maresa replied quietly.

I wanted to scream at her. How could she say that?!

If Parvani weren’t so reckless and… stupid we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place!

A long howl erupted throughout the forrest. The cry was full of pain, sorrow, and anger.

Parvani... Maresa’s thought sent us into overdrive. My lunges began to bound farther out as we all sped up. A wave of deja vu hit me hard, as I slowly started to recall the night my life tumbled downhill.


“Are you going to go hunting tonight, dear?” Greta asked of me. Oh how much I hate Greta. She cared too much for those who didn’t care for her.

“Yes, I am.” I hissed at her between gritted teeth.

She just smiled at me kindly before replying, “Be safe, dear.” She leaned towards me slightly, as if to whisper something.” Parvani seems to be on edge tonight. So please no fighting.” She pulled away and grinned before exiting my domain. I glared after her. Her feelings always left happiness in my room. It must be strange that I didn’t like it, but I didn’t. It felt as though I were covered in filth by her poorness. I shivered and turned back to cloths. I put a bit of coloring on them before applying them to my eyes and cheeks. It added a bit of a pretty coloring to my face. Mother said I didn’t need it, because of my natural beauty, but I knew I had to look good for the peasants of the village.

“Hurry up! Or we are leaving without you!” Parvani yelled as she walked past my open door.

What a drag. I thought loudly. I stood up quickly, insuring that my posture was perfect, before stepping out of my domain. My tiara was placed on my head as I walked past a servant. I snarled at her as she gave me a kind smile.

“Enjoy thoust!” She called after me.

I wanted to yell at her in an unlady like manner, but I probably needed her vote to become queen later.

I rounded the corner, only to bump into someone.

“Watch where you step!” I screamed as I stumbled away.

“My apologies, Princess” A man stated before bowing.

I shoved him out of my way. Plastering a grin upon my face as I skipped down the steps to the awaiting peasants in the lobby that we chose to hunt with us.

“Where did she go?!” I yelled at my twin sister. I hated how much she looked like me, but was nothing like me. What was the use of her company then?

“I’m trying to find her, but all I see is the destruction she is leaving behind.” Lisbeth’s eyes were a sharp blue, which contrasted with her red-orange hair. “She is using her strength to make herself run faster. I highly doubt I’d be fast enough to catch her in time.”

Where was Maresa when we needed her? Oh right, off leading the peasants on a useless hunting trip!

It was dark out, and we thought it would be best to hunt on our own, where no one could judge us. But along the way Parvani and I had gotten into a bit of a fight about who’s animal it was.

I clearly had my eyes on the prey first! But then she just raced by and killed the large deer on sight. Everyone knows not to steal one’s prey, but she claimed that she didn’t see me going for it.

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