Chapter 2~

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Lisbeth POV (December 19, 1846)

“Wake, “ My twin sister -Y’Lisse- screamed, tugging on my comforter, “Up!” She gave one final tug, tripping on a pile of clothes I had lodged in the middle of my medieval themed room. She fell with a loud thud, followed by a shriek of pure anger.

“Fine! I quit!” She got up, brushing nothing in particular, off her clothes. “ You can stay in this bloody room all day! I’M going to enjoy OUR birthday without you!” She marched over to my enlarged wooden door. “I.Don’t.Care!” The door rattled as she slammed it shut. I winced at the sudden noise.

I decided to stay in bed for a few moments more before; sitting up, dashing into the bathroom down the hall, and start the water for my shower. I watched as the water changed in form, the warmer it got.

“Be sure to only take five minutes. We are twenty minutes behind schedule today.” I jumped at the soothing voice that came from behind me. In the doorway stood my eldest sister, Maresa. She smiled tenderly, as I nodded my head in accord.

“And next time.” She paused momentarily, “Please, Don’t have Y’Lisse be your alarm clock.” I giggled at her complaint, hearing her walk back down the hallway, and down the stairs.

How did she manage to get here without me sensing her? I wondered. I shook the thought off, realizing how much time I did not have. I sped to the door, closing it quietly. I smiled mischievously as a thought occurred to me.

I don’t have much time left … Unless…- Iabsolutely loved using my gifts. The best thing about them is that they really help in the long run. Speed and Sight. What a nice combination. Although Mother forbade us to use them, on occasion we disobeyed.

I only have just about…  I crossed the bathroom, to the window. Removing the curtain, I looked out into the village below our castle. I moved my head a bit to get a clear view of a clock in someone’s home that read that I had only 15 minutes before it was time to go hunting with my eldest sisters, Not including Y’lisse.

A deafening series of pounds on the door startled me.

“Get out!” yelled a still furious Y’lisse.

I quickly shed my clothing, got into the shower, scoured myself with soap and water, all in the matter of 10.63 seconds. I turned the water off, grabbed my towel, and zipped my way to my room. Drying myself, I threw on some random clothes from my pile of clean clothing.

I smirked in satisfaction at how much time I knew I had left to get ready.

“14 minutes, 32 seconds” I whispered to no one in particular, stuffing an extra pair of clothing into my bag, and throwing it over my shoulder on the way out. Walking along the polished pavement, I thought about how bad I would feel after hunting. I always felt horrible for killing small animals. Parvani on the other hand, enjoyed the rush. She was quite destructive if I say so myself. Luckily, Maresa would be there this time. She kept everything from getting out of control. She was so peaceful and kind, so collected and… Queen-like. She reminded me of Mother greatly. But, the one thing I learned about living within these concrete walls. Never, and I mean never get on the bad side of any of my sisters. That’s even including my eldest sister. They demand respect from all, but send love and kindness substantially.

Hopefully today goes well… I thought to myself.

I scurried along the burnished corridor to the awaiting stairs.

“My apologies.” I gasped out as someone rammed into me. I looked up briefly to see a man dressed as a butler of ours. Of course I saw past his horribly drawn mustache, and

the unknown fabric he wore upon his back. I frowned.

“Watch out, love.” The man whispered before disappearing around the corner. I stared after him in confusion. I had never met a male within the serving vicinity who showed such disregard to me. Normally, I didn’t care for the respect I received for being classed as “royalty”, But I felt a rush supremacy over the man.

“Are you going to stand there all day or skidaddle off to your final dance classes for tonight’s celebration, dear?” inquired a deep feminine voice that came from my governess from down the steps.

“I’m on my way Greta.” I called down to her, looking back after the unknown man. I shook my head to liberate myself from the dark thoughts that began to spread throughout my brain. My inner animal needs to hunt. Soon, for I have a long day before me.

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