13 Going On 30: Another Life

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This story is not a copyright of the original movie 13 Going On 30. All I'm doing is just making more of a story version of the movie in words and not trying to claim that I made the movie because of this story. In this version, I'll combine the story plot with the timeline of today so the main character will be in 2012! So I hope you enjoy!

Today's the day! It's finally my 13th birthday! I finally feel like a teenager and I just hope that I'll actually get to be a Six Chick! My name's Jenna Rink, by the way, in case you don't know what a Six Chick is they're like only the MOST popular school clique with all the coolest girls in one group together lead by none other than Tom-Tom AKA Lucy Wyman. I had no idea why everybody calls her that instead of her real name but I don't care it's just a nickname! I'm not exactly Six Chick material since I don't dress or put makeup as nice as the other Six Chicks do... Or am I as popular as them either. My one and only friend was a boy named Matt Flamhaff and he was my best friend since I could remember back then when we were kids! I'm pretty much an outcast, nerd, and weirdo since I'm not cool, don't dress or look cool, and only have one friend in the entire universe, Matt. I also have a crush on this guy at my school... ♥Chris Grandy♥ He's so dreamy, has rocking hair that you can flick in the wind, a perfect face, and he's on the football team too! It's everything I want in a hunky guy! But how would he ever like somebody like me with my ugly face and barely showing boobs... :( Oh well I always have hope one day!

I was at school already putting my books and stuff into my locker. I was done and I started walking down the hall to be interuptted by...

Matt: Hey, Jenna!

He said coming towards me with his camera. Did I also mention Matt was a huge photo taker? He just loves to take photos of me or anybody. It was his dream to be a big shot photographer one day and I can still remember his constant lectures about how when he took pictures they needed to be right. "No! The lens is not open! The 5x5 frame is not cropped right! Oh shoot! I didn't have any film!" He'd say that to me almost every time he was taking pictures. Haha I'd laugh whenever he did that but I was also a little annoyed because it was so constant.

"Hey Matt" I said. He started taking pictures of me right away with the flash popping in my eyes. "Ow! Matt stop with all the pictures!" I said. "Come on just a little more." He'd say oh so persistently. We then came up to the Six Chick group as we were walking down the hall. We stopped in front of each other. "Hey Jenna. Hey beaver, see any good dams lately?" Lucy said. "Hi Tom-Tom" I said... I felt a little awkward for Matt because he was a little overweight and I know just as well that he hated being insulted for being fat. Although I couldn't do anything because I wanted to look good in front of Lucy and helping Matt wouldn't make it better. "Well, I'll meet you out front Jenna" Matt said. "Do whatever you want. It's not like she needs a play-by-play." Lucy said meanly. Matt then left feeling sad I imagined. "We need to talk to you, Jenna." Lucy said. I just eagerly nodded my head as she moved me to a corner. She said "I told Chris Grandy me and the Six Chicks were going to your party." "Really?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah, too bad we can't make it though cuz Miss Measley's up our butt's with this group project. Chris is helping us too so I'm sorry we can't make it, Jenna" Disappointed with this news I tried to quickly come up with a way so they could come to my party so I said...

"I'll do it. I'll write your report for you." Lucy happy to hear that said "Fabuloso. See you later." and she walked away with her posse. I met up with Matt outside of the school and we were walking home. "I can't believe you invited those clones." Matt said. "They're my friends." I argued. "Six Chicks are not your friends, okay? I'm your friend." he said. "Not entirely. One day I'll be a Six Chick you'll see" I said. "You can't it's not possible. They're called the Six Chicks not the Seven Chicks. Besides, you're cooler than they are. They're unoriginal." he said. "But I don't want to be original. I want to be cool." We came up in front of my house and his house that was next to mine so we were neighbors. "Alright, see you soon. Want some razzles?" he said.

Razzles were a candy and, boy, were they good. But I didn't want Lucy to get the wrong impression of me that I'm still a little kid. I said "No thanks, Razzles are for kids." and he just gave me a shrug and I said "Arrivederci." He replied back "Au revoir" and we both went into our houses.

Haha I still laugh whenever we do that. "Arrivederci" haha! What are we french?! His "Au revoir"... Ah that never gets old! But Time to get down to business! I'll need to start setting up for my party in a few hours! Lets see... What do I need to do? There's the food, the decorations, what I'm going to wear, and... the report! So much to do in so little time! I hope I'll finish by the time the party starts... Now I am desperately trying to do all these little chores as a race against time so I can have the best party of my life once I have finished all of my tasks.

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