A Unexpected Fight?

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Picture of Chase but with dark red eyes ^
Lock's POV
After the awkward gym class, the rest of the day went off without a single hitch. I was now in my last class, chemistry. But, this class I yet again was in the class with the four main leaders of the group and their strongest minions. I would occasionally catch someone staring at me or whispering then pointing. I brushed it off as I listened to the teacher intently, trying my best to avoid everyone's stares, especially the leaders, who I only know the name to one. And that's Chase, and he is the only one I feel comfortable around. And he was the only one that I knew anything about, he was the leader of the vampire clan. I would later ask him to tell me the others names and which group they lead. I snapped out of my thoughts as I began to quickly write down the notes that where flashing up on the board.

Once the bell rang I stood up and put my pencil away and gathered up my things as I turned to Chase.

"Hey chase? Can I ask you a few questions about this school before I have to drive home? It will be quick! I promise." I said as I quickly added on the last part trying to convince him.

"Okay Lock, but you have to come to my locker with me." Chase replied as he started to head out the door at a fast pace. I quickly scrambled to his side as I jogged to keep up with him. I heard him chuckle beside me as we continued to walk, well I jogged.

Once we reached his locker I noticed how the other leaders where also close by us. I wondered for a second as I heard a locker slam, making me snap my head back to chase and jump back slightly.

"CHEESE AND CRACKERS DONT DO THAT!" I scolded him slightly loud so he could hear me over his obnoxious laughter.

"Okay, but what did you want to ask?" He said as he leaned against his locker and stared at me questionably.

I nodded as I replied quickly, " Yeah, I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the other leaders. Along with what group they run." I replied as I still held my books closely to my chest as I stared back at him.

"Oh, yes! Well, the one right on the other side of us is-" Chase was cut off as three other guys approached us looking hurt.

"Chase! We can introduce ourselves, thank you very much!" The tallest guy said as I took a second to take in what he looked like. He was wearing a long sleeved v-neck button up green sweater that blended perfectly with his blonde hair. I noticed his eyes where a slight purple, a little darker than my sisters. He was wearing a pair of loose fitting jeans, along with some red and white sneakers. I heard him speak again as I looked up from the ground to meet the strangers eyes.

"I'm Aiden, the leader the Incubus and Sucubus group! It's a pleasure to meet you..." He said as he trailed off, not knowing my name.

"Lock. Lock Trots." I replied as I offered my hand for him to shake.

"Lock, nice name." He said as he took my hand and shook it lightly, before pulling away like he touched fire.

I looked to his right to find the smallest and most lean one of the other three. He had fluffy blue hair that blended with his brown eyes that seemed to look right through you. He was wearing a T shirt, along with a pair of skinny jeans that hugged his legs like a blanket, I then noticed his many bracelets on both wrist. I looked back up to meet his gaze as I spoke first.

"And you are?" I asked as I looked at him with curiosity.

"Oh, I'm  Ian, the leader of the Magic Welders!" He replied as he offered his hand to me.

"Lock." I replied as I shook his hand slightly. And much like Aiden he pulled away like he touched the tip of a sword.

I turned my head to the right of him to see a well built but slightly shorter than Aiden. I looked at his purple hair, letting my eyes travel to his grey eyes that yelled lonely. I let my eyes travel farther down to see him wearing a sweater that fit him perfectly, along with a pair of just right fitting jeans that still looked loose. I went down and looked at his black converse. I shot my eyes up to meet his as he began to talk.

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