The Party That Changed Everything

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I'm starting new story and will probably update as soon as can. hope you en joy!! :D


All I could hear was little, tiny rocks hitting my window." Ting, ting, ting." It woke me up too.

I was pretty mad. I didn't get any sleep the night before, and waking me up was probably the biggest mistake that person ever made in their entire life.

I got up and looked out my window, standing their, was my best friend, Sydney.

"What in the world are you doing at my house at..."

I didn't even know what time it was. I snuck a quick glance at my clock.

"...2 o'clock in the morning?" I yawned after I said that.

"I need a place to crash tonight."

She sounded like she was about to cry. I was trying to see her face, but I couldn't see anything outside. It was pitch black out there.

"What happened to you staying over at Jordan's house?" I asked. Jordon was her boyfriend. And they have been dating for about 2 months now. I don't even know why her mom let's her stay the night over at his house. My mom would never let me do that. Sydney's mom must really trust Jordon.

I could just hear little sobs, and I had to let her come in. She probably couldn't go back home because she didn't want her mom to see her, and it was quite late I might add.

"Sure, come on to the front door."

The minute I opened my door, she looked so sad, but also mad at the same time. It looked she was crying all night. Tears were running down her face at this moment.

I lead her up to my room, even though she knew where every room in the house was, literally.

We got up to my room, and I had to ask what was wrong.

"Its Jordan," she said. And she started to cry even more.

Wow, he must have hurt her pretty bad, for her to just cry when she says his name. "Do you want to talk about it?" I already knew the answer to that, but I had to ask anyways. Its the polite thing to do.

She just shook and head and said, "Can we please.... just talk about.. it tomorrow?" She taking sniffs in between her words. We locked gazes and I didn't even have to say a word.

Its weird how you and your best friend have a special language, where you don't even have to talk to each other. We just look at each other and we just know what they meant by looking into their eyes.

I let her take my bed. I know what your thinking, 'Why don't you two just sleep together, I mean you two are just friends.'

Best friends in fact, and I would do that, except for the fact that my bed was only a twin. Both her and I know that we both won't fit on that bed at the same time.

I got Sydney all ready in my bed, made sure she was comfortable and everything. And got my bed ready. Well, it wasn't necessarily a bed, it was the floor. I just grabbed my comforter, but made sure that Sydney had some covers. My house gets pretty cold at night.

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