Chapter 2

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I have another jotted down on my to-do list now. 'Find out who Bailey is.'  When I write down my to-do list, number one is the one I want to do first. Even though my number one thing right now is to stay best friends with Sydney and Justin.

In case I haven't said already, Justin is my other best friend. We have been ever since the sixth grade, it started when I was getting on the bus, and some kids were making fun of me for my clothes and my hair. I knew to just ignore them, they couldn't hurt me, but then, this kid named Justin stuck up for me. Ever since then he would protect me, and I look up to him as an older brother.

Anyways, I figured I must find out who Bailey is, as my number one now, and move staying best friends to second. I normally don't move anything around on my to-do list, but in this case I had to. Sydney would never be herself again, nd I had to help her Even if she did reject my help.

So, I decided not tell her. If I did tell her, I would already know the answer, "No, don't! If Jordan would want me to know, then he would tell me if he actually cared about me." And that would be a problem. The only that's bad about Jordan is that he won't fight for his girl, if the girl just leaves and doesn't want to be with him, then he will just move on. That's how it seems with all guys though, so I guess Jordan isn't any different.

I don't know I'm going to be able to find out who Bailey is, but I am very determined. I hate to see Sydney hurting, it hurts me inside. Just to see my best friend crying.

I couldn't believe Jordan would do this! It just disgusts me. That he would do such a thing to hurt his girlfriend. Even though she went through his phone, it still isn't right for Jordan to be talking to this Bailey girl.

I decided to text Sydney, to make sure she was really okay, but she enough, her response was, 'Yea I'm fine.' I knew she wasn't fine.

Sure enough, as I thought I was in the safe zone from having Sydney come over, my mom stamping into my room. "I know mom, I know, I'm grounded." She just gave me a funny look.

"When did Sydney come over last night?" She must have saw my confused look on my face, because she continued, "Because I went to bed at midnight." Now I get what she was coming from. I guess I better tell her the whole story or for sure, I will be grounded.

"At 2 in the morning." I said, as I took a huge gulp. I hope she didn't see it. "And why did you feel the need to invite her over at 2 in the morning?" "Its not like that mom." I said. "Then what was it like."

I guess its time to tell her the whole story. There's no more putting it off now. "You see, Sydney came over crying her eyes out, and I had to let her stay over." My mom looked very sad, and said, "Why was she crying?" I could tell she was really concerned for Sydney, and wanted the full story.

"And we talked about it this morning..." I continued. "...and she said she looked through Jordan's phone and saw that he was talking to another girl and saying I love you to each other." My mom was seriously about to tear up, I could see the water start to fill her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for her." my mom said. I just ignored her comment and said, "And I knew it was too late to wake you up so I just let her in. I hope that's alright." "Of course it alright. Especially if she is crying like that, she can come over anytime."


"So I'm not grounded?" I said. I just had to ask. "Why would you get an idea like that?" "I don't know..." She just shook her head and walked out of my room.

Thank goodness for that. Sydney's story was really convincing. My mom and Sydney were always close, even my mom and Sydney's mom were close friends in high school. So I guess always hanging out at Sydney's house we became pretty good friends. We have been best friends since the fourth grade.

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