Eighth Grade

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Eighth grade was when we first kissed.

Well, I don't think it meant anything at the moment- in fact, you were drunk not only on alcohol, but on the energy of the night.

How you got alcohol, I don't know, but I wasn't surprised, it was, our first concert.

The band we went to do see isn't important. The only thing that was really important was you.

You looked like you were in paradise.

Your eyes had looked at everything in wonder.

They were sparkling, and this was before the alcohol.

I swear, you probably had three Red Bulls because you were darting all over the place, and pulling me around with you.

Look at this Ry! Ry oh my god that's so cool!

The amount of energy you had was incredible, you bounced around every inch of that venue.

So when we finally got to the pit, we were squished together- then separated.

I swear, I couldn't even enjoy the concert because I was looking for you. Six, maybe seven songs went by before I finally caught sight of you again, you ended up in the second row, while I was down over in the seventh. It took me forever to squish through the sea of people to get to you, and by the time I did, they were so mad at me that they pushed me.

Right into you, actually.

I felt our chests press together and you gave me a classic, Brendon Urie smile.

Words can't describe how happy you were at the moment. It was pure ecstasy spread across your lips.

It's burned into the back of my brain. It was a different kind of happiness, different than anything I could have given you.

I hope one day Sarah gets to see that smile,

i promise she'll fall in love with you all over again.

But that's besides the point.

After the angel smile you gave me, the song ended. And need I remind you, that was a punk ass heavy metal song.

And this last one was in between a love song and one of those.

You know the one.

Anyway, the energy of the crowd from the last song hadn't died, and it wasn't going to until the next day.

There was even more pushing this time- not mosh-pity pushing, more like aggressive bumping.

The ground vibrated under my feet and I could not only see, but feel the energy of everything going on around me.

Going faster than twister winds, it was so chaotic, everything happening all at the same time.

They bumped you into me this time.

But it wasn't our chests that collided.

The only reason I knew you were drunk was because I could taste it on your lips. Beer, Blue Moon- if I remember correctly.

You hadn't stopped, which spooked me.

Actually, you cupped my jaw-line and deepend the kiss.

And with everything going on at the same time, with the twister winds of energy from the band and crowd and night, from the noise coming from the bass and the vibration coming from the drums, we were in our little bubble of time, where everything on the outside seemed distant, unreal.

It lasted thirteen seconds, exactly. Just like our age.

My age, you were fourteen at the time.

Afterwards -after the concert I mean- you passed out on my couch immediately after we got home.

And it was never spoken of again, which ate me up to my core, because Brendon Boyd Urie I have had some kisses in my time,

but yours was the best by far.

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