Chapter Twenty-Three: A Sugary Plot

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*The terrible sketch above is supposed to be concept art for Ahsoka's dress... It also has a mini cape in the back, which I forgot to draw XD*


The walk up the steps into the palace was stressful to say the least.

After nearly tripping over her skirts – twice – Ahsoka finally gave up on trying to walk on her own and looked over at Pooja and Ryoo. The two girls were pulling the front of their gowns up ever so slightly, holding the fabric just high enough to keep their feet from getting snagged as they ascended the steps.

Well, of course, she thought with a huff. They'd have had all the etiquette training they would need for parties like this. I guess the only thing I can do now is hope I don't use the wrong fork or sneeze the wrong way or something.

Not that it was dusty there or anything. Ahsoka had crawled through small, dusty spaces on missions before, where even sneezing could prove to be a deadly mistake that would alert her enemies to her presence. Here, it didn't matter.

Well, it didn't matter for the most part, anyways.

The end of one slow piece of music and the beginning of a faster one brought Ahsoka's attention back to the present. As they reached the door – if such a large and stately entryway could even be called a door – and showed the guard their identification, Ahsoka's eyes widened as she beheld the sight before her.

She had been to parties before, but none as extravagant as this one. Curtains of tiny glass charms faceted to bounce the light every which way were strung from the high ceiling along the walls, swooping towards the ground at angles that had to take state of the art antigrav to support. Two long tables masterfully crafted from timber that had to have cost a fortune stretched out on either side of the room, covered with exquisite delicacies from around the galaxy.

As she and the Naberries walked inside Ahsoka suddenly got a striking sense that she didn't belong. This room full of strangers was all glitter and charm – both false and genuine –, with just a hint of underlying political intrigue that lingered in the Force like a bad smell around most politicians.

The adults moved away to talk to a man wearing the seal of the Royal Advisory Council, and Pooja and Ryoo hurried towards a tower of pastries, leaving Ahsoka with a choice. She couldn't just stand in the middle of the floor like an outcast – in a new situation, it was always best to look like you belonged

She could either fall asleep from boredom listening to trivial discussions about state politics, or go join the girls at the desert table.

"I am such an insufferable wallflower," she grumbled to herself, walking over to where the girls were fawning over the abundance of sweets. "Here I am, in the middle of people dressed like exotic birds, drinking and laughing and talking, with no one to hang out with except for two children."

It could be worse, a little voice reminded her. Annina could be stuck to Lux's side like glue.

At least he still has that speech to make... She sighed. If I'm lucky I can get to him before she does once it's over.

Suddenly, she found herself wondering why she wanted to get to him first. She wasn't... jealous, was she? Master Yoda always said that was the shadow of greed, and something that had to be avoided at all costs. It wasn't like Annina had anything she lusted after, anyways – except Lux's affections.

Ahsoka sighed. I'm hopeless.

–ly in love, the voice crooned.

Shut up.

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