Chapter Twenty-Four: A Senator's Invitation

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Lux had practiced his speech time and time again to be sure he wouldn't forget anything, but somehow, the second his eyes landed on Ahsoka, his tongue froze up in his mouth.

Even just looking at her was making him absolutely flabbergasted.

Ahsoka hadn't gone to the same lengths to make herself stand out as most of the other over-embellished party guests, and yet somehow, she still managed to outshine everyone in the room. While it was possible no one had noticed the little Togruta in the simple teal evening dress, Lux could focus on no one else.

But then again, he was sure Ahsoka could walk around wearing a beggar's rags and still look like a complete goddess.

She nodded slowly to him, a gentle smile lifting the corners of her full lips, and Lux realized his pause was losing its dramatic effect and slipping toward being simply awkward. And even if he wanted nothing more than to let the moment stretch on forever, to bask in Ahsoka's glow, he had to return to the present.

"This union between our two great peoples could not have been a better choice. I thank you all for your hospitality and cannot praise your enlightened views into the matter of establishing these trade routes enough." Lux smiled. "And it is thanks to our like-mindedness that this alliance was formed. Common goals make bonds between governments strong, and there is no greater goal to celebrate than working towards our mutual economic and societal growth."

Although the partygoers were quiet, the smiles and general sentiment of positivity made it obvious he wouldn't receive any objections from them.

"Even as the Clone War rages all around us, we cannot allow ourselves to stray from that path. All wars pass in time, but groundwork like what we have established in the past few weeks remains forever. Together, we can lead Naboo and Onderon towards a brighter future, full of peace and plenty."

Then, he raised a glass of champagne he had taken from a passing waiter a few minutes before. "Allow me to propose a toast: to prosperity, to peace..." His eyes flicked up to meet Ahsoka's, and he grinned. "And to love."

His audience let out a collective cheer, then drank from their glasses and dispersed. But there was regardless a relatively large portion of the group waiting to talk to him below the platform before the Queen arrived.

Lux stifled a grimace with another charismatic smile. It appeared that talking with Ahsoka would have to wait until later.

But luckily, he had a few tricks up his sleeve that would get him out of the situation sooner than usual, and he intended to use them to their full potential.


As Lux stepped down from his podium and into the throes of a group of other diplomats waiting to talk to him, Ahsoka bit back a pang of disappointment. It had been silly of her to think that she would be able to get to Lux right away. She would have to be patient.

She raised her champagne flute – she had since gotten it refilled – to her lips, allowing herself to wonder for a moment what Anakin was up to. He didn't do well with sitting quietly; he never had. She figured it was only a matter of time before something ended up exploding.

Hopefully, if Dooku was still moving against Lux and the negotiation efforts, it would be something big bearing the Separatist emblem.

She looked up as the orchestra began readjusting their music, and Ahsoka remembered Padme telling her that after Lux gave his speech, the dancing would begin. But she also remembered that dances at diplomatic functions such as these were traditionally undergone masked here on Naboo, and quickly realized that if she wanted to participate, she would need to find herself a mask.

Suddenly, she spotted a server who, instead of carrying hors-d'oeuvres or more drinks, was holding a tray covered in plain white masks. Figuring that white was better than nothing, she hailed him.

She accepted a mask from him with a smile, and sent him on his way. The moment her fingers touched the stiff woven fabric, a little red laser flickered into life, scanning her up and down before suddenly changing into the same color as her dress, complete with a border in a darker blue to match.

She smiled and put it on, before returning to her drink and staring out at the people who clustered towards the dance floor with their partners to dance.

Three dances later, she was down to her last sip of champagne. Although she decided she wouldn't have minded more, she needed to stay on alert. She was here to protect Lux as much as she was, as Anakin had put it, 'to enjoy herself'.

Suddenly, someone wrapped their arms around her waist from behind, and she gasped, nearly dropping her glass. Apparently the alcohol had softened her reflexes more than she had thought.

"Lux!" she cried in a scolding tone. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry, sweetheart," he said, resting his chin on her shoulder.

" 'Sweetheart'?" she asked, and felt him smile against her collar.

"Well, that's what you are, once you get past the tough Jedi exterior," he told her, nuzzling her skin gently. "And I must say I really like being past it."

She raised an eye marking, hoping the gesture would serve to disguise just how curious she really was. "Lux Bonteri, are you flirting with me?"

"Well, you look so pretty tonight I suppose I just can't help myself," he murmured. "Honestly, it's like you're long-lost Shilian royalty or something..."

Ahsoka laughed, trying to bury just how flattered she was under her usual mask of calmness. She failed miserably, and chose to blame it on the champagne.

Finally, he let go of her a moment later, walking around to stand in front of her. As she caught sight of him, she bit back a girlish sigh, instead pushing forward with another question:

"Why is your suit a different color? First it was light green and now it's blue."

"It's a holographic perception filter," Lux said. "It's like the one in the mask. It doesn't do much, really – just changes my skin tone and hair a little so people think I'm someone else. Nobody will bother us this way."

"Easier said than done for the Senator who seems to be the life of the party."

"I'm nothing if not resourceful."

The voice at the back of her mind piped up again with another useless comment: And exceptionally good-looking.

I thought I told you to shut up.

"So, fair Lady Tano, may I have this dance?" he inquired with a charming smile, falling into a flawless bow.

"You may indeed, milord Bonteri," she said, accepting his outstretched hand and letting him lead her to the dance floor.


Next chapter (which will probably come tomorrow since I just realized I actually have a lot more prewritten for the next two chapters than I thought) is gonna be really fun, really cute, and contain a lot of fuzzy feels.

And then a lot of HOLY KRIFF THIS IS HAPPENING feels.

I love turning things dark at the last minute >:}

Buuuuuuuutttttt I always bring them back up at the end. Trust me, everything will work out fine...

Okay, so I foresee maybe ten chapters until the end of the book, maybe less. I'm really excited to write it, because now we're getting to the good stuff!!

I'll do my best to get something else posted soon, but now, it's late, and I'm going to bed.

Bye! :D

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