Chapter 8

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(Natsu's pov)

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(Natsu's pov)

Wendy had taken Nashi and Luna into the infirmary and was healing them right now, I im really worried because she has been healing them for the past hour and still nothing. Romeo was holding him and Wendy's kid skylar and was sitting next to me trying to calm me down so was Happy. Igneel was in the same mood like me, We both wanted to kill someone and we were both worried... But we also felt ashamed that we couldn't protect our family. Now Lucy is captured and Nashi and Luna are seriously hurt... Damn I never should have taken that mission, I should have known they would attack soon. "Natsu I'm sure they will be fine, Wendy will heal them and then we can find Lucy, so don't worry." Romeo said. That's when I lost it. "Don't worry.... DONT WORRY how am I supposed to not worry when my kids are hurt and my wife is captured how am I supposed to not worry Romeo can you tell me how am I supposed to not worry about this!" I yelled, everyone in the guild went silent, little skylar started crying. I regretted yelling it wasn't his fault, it wasn't anyone's except for those bastards who dared to mess with my family. I turn to Romeo who was trying to calm skylar down. "Romeo I'm sorry I'm just really worried about Lucy and Luna and Nashi and I have so much stress right now I cant focus, I shouldn't have yelled." I say. "No I get it natsu I would feel the same way if someone tried to hurt Wendy or Skylar." Romeo said tickling skylar a little, I smile. "Alright well I'm going to go talk to master, come get me if Wendy comes out alright." I say. "I will Natsu." I was about to walk away when romeo said "don't worry Natsu we will get Lucy back." I nod my head and walk towards the masters office. When master Macorov died during the fight with my brother Laxus became guild master and a good one at that just like gramps, even though we all miss him we remember all the happy memories we've had with him. I knock on the door. "Come in." Said a voice inside the room. I walked inside to see Laxus surrounded by paperwork and he was working on one of the papers, but when I fully stepped inside the room he put the paperwork down and he sighed. "I know you want to get Lucy, we all do but we have to plan something out we can't just rush in like we do, if we do rush in it could result in loss of many guild members lives including Lucy's." He says. "I know thats why I came here I know these guys are strong but are more intelligent and they will be planning how we will attack and what to do, but a small infultration team could at least take down some of the members and find out where Lucy is and maybe bring her back and if not plan on how we would rescue her after we gather information." I say. "You are right I will start choosing the small group now, I think we should wait until your daughters wake up so we can have a little information before heading out." Laxus says. "Alright." I say I was about to leave when Laxus stopped me. "You have matured so much Natsu." I smirk. "That's what happens when you have family to protect." He smiles and shakes his head and turn to sit down at his desk as I walk out. "Dad would I be able to come and help you look for mom?" Igneel says. "I'm sorry, but I need you to stay here and protect your sisters I can't lose you guys too." I say, he looks a little sad but that look changes as he looks back up and nods his head with determination on his face. "Alright I'll stay here and protect them." I nod and smile "thanks for understanding Igneel." We went to go and sit down and Wendy came out "Natsu, Nashi and Luna are still unconscious but should be waking up soon if you want to see them." She says looking tired, though I don't blame her using her magic for an hour and a half with out stopping really takes a tole on you. "Alright Wendy thank you, you should rest." I say smiling, Even though we aren't related Wendy is still like a little sister to me and I worry about her. She nods and goes and sits down next to Romeo and she lays her head down on his shoulder I smile. I walk up with Igneel behind me and we walk into the infirmary and we see Nashi and Luna all bandage up. I sit down so I was in between Nashi and Luna's bed and Igneel sits next to Luna, I glance over at Nashi to see her eyes starting to open. "Nashi! How are you feeling?" I asks worriedly. She slowly sits up but winces in pain "be careful you just got patched up." Igneel says she sighs and lays back down. "Nashi can you tell me what happened?" I ask, and she nods in response. "So me and Luna just went up stairs to get ready for bed and then we heard something crash down stairs and we heard mom call out Loke so we walked out of our room to investigate and mom came rushing up stairs telling us we had to leave and get help and that she would hold off the people who broke in, I tried to talk her into letting me help her but she refused so me and Luna ran down stairs and out the back door to take the short cut back to the guild but they caught us, they were to strong." Nashi started crying. "I couldn't help mom when she needed it and I couldn't protect Luna from getting hurt I'm so sorry dad." Now she was full on sobbing, it broke my heart to see her crying so hard. So I hugged her trying to comfort her the best I could as she was crying in my chest, Igneel came over to rub circles on her back so it could calm her down. "Hey don't apologize it's not your fault, now why don't we leave so you can rest." I say she nods slowly "okay." She says tears still running down her face. "Hey don't cry don't worry we will get mom back before you know it." Igneel says wiping the tears off her face she just nods and lays back down and starts to drift off to sleep, I kiss her forehead before walking out and Igneel just leans over to give her a quick hug before catching up with me. Once outside the infirmary I see Laxus walk out of his office. "Attention everyone I have finally decided who was going to be in the small group to rescue Lucy." This really got everyones attention and many people had determination written on their face. "The people are...."

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