Chapter 3.

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Gabbie's pov.
I went to him and cleaned up his tears. I know he doesn't deserve this comfort and affection but I love him and I couldn't stand to see him in pain. He apologized for everything the screaming, slapping, pushing, for being a flat out asshole. I said it was okay as long as he never and I meant never did it again. He "I won't baby" and that made want to just fuck him.

After that we satin silence for 2 minutes when he grabbed my face and started to kiss me... HARD.  We started kissing and then we slowly stated to use our tongues. After like a minute of making out he moved his mouth to my neck and I winced at the loss of contact with him. He started sucking the skin and it made me moan.

We started to get naked and I asked if he had a condom, he said he brought a few. I asked him if I could put it on him and he nodded. I wanted to suck his dick before we fucked so I asked him and he said " I will only let you suck me baby" so I got down on my knees, naked, and put his cock in my mouth.

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