Dr. Strange Part 2

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Totally switching to first person point of view for this :P

"You need to focus, Jaime!" One of the trainers at the Sanctum yelled at me after he knocked my weapon out of my hands, I grunted and got up.

"I am! I'm just not good enough!" I yelled back. We had been at this for months, and I had gotten better, but not good enough to win a fight. I still couldn't completely control my powers. Everything still moved whenever someone touched me, but it was much less violent.

I also couldn't deny the crush I had developed on Steven Strange. I found myself getting nervous when he was in the room, losing my breath whenever we trained and he was close to me. But it wasn't because he was "cute". I was just so thankful that he found me and helped me. I needed him, and he was there, even if I didn't know him. And he has never left my side or stopped being there for me.

"No, you're not!" The trainer threw his weapon, obviously losing his patience. I slumped my shoulders and took a breath, trying to relax. I looked toward the trainer only to see him speeding toward me. I thought he was just going to pass by and bump my shoulder or something, but he stopped right in front of me and grabbed both my arms with a tight grip and twisted them behind me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, but it was more like a demand. Everybody knew not to touch me because I still didn't have full control yet. Now I was just getting angry.

"Shut up. You know how frustrating it is to be your trainer?" He seethed. I rolled my eyes, clenching my teeth to keep from screaming at him, "Do you know how fucking annoying it is to try to train someone who turns into a baby whenever she gets touched?"

"You need to let go, now." I spoke slowly and lowly, but clearly, "You know what happens next." Everything in the room started to vibrate again and I felt his grip loosen slightly, but it was still tight enough for me to be stuck.

The papers on the desk in the room started floating wobbly in the air, along with some loose pebbles from the floor. I took deep breaths, like Steven told me to. It helped settle me down a little, but not enough for everything to go limp again.

He tightened his grip again, much tighter than last time. I let out a yelp of pain and everything started flying around the room. I closed my eyes tight and willed it to stop but it didn't work. In fact, it probably made things worse.

Suddenly the man himself walked through the door.

"Mathew! Let her go, now!" Steven boomed and I was immediately released. I fell to the ground while everything else slowed down, but was till aloft and moving. I brought my arms in front of me and saw that the were shaking. Steven knelt in front of me, trying to get my attention, "Jaime, look at me."

That's all he had to say for me to comply. I looked up to see his blue eyes looking back at me, "Calm down. Deep breath." I inhaled slowly. As I breathed out, everything fell to the floor.

"Good." he said, "Mathew, leave. Now." I heard a faint "yes sir" and footsteps shuffling out of the room.

"I'm sorry. I should have controlled it. I'll do better next ti-"

"Stand up." Steven said, getting up. I followed suit, feeling somewhat guilty for losing it again., "Do you trust me?"

The question took me by surprise, but there was a clear answer, "Yes. Always." I frown slightly when he walked over to a closet and came back with a rope. Oh god.

"What are you doing?" I asked hesitantly. He stayed silent until he was only inches away from me, making my breath hitch. I regained my composure quickly.

"Trust me." He whispered, "Put your hands behind your back." I did as I was told and felt a piece of rope being wrapped around my wrists. My breathe quickened slightly.

"Steven?" I whimpered. I wasn't scared, but I was nervous. I didn't know what he was doing, and no matter how much I trust someone, tying my wrists is something that puts a little doubt in me.

"So you can't accidentally move things." He answered my question that I didn't even ask, "Maybe this will help you get used to physical contact."

I frowned a little until he stopped impossibly closer and placed a soft hand on my hip. I shuddered at his touch and closed my eyes. I wasn't sure if this would work or not. I didn't associate him with anything bad, like I did with most things....It also probably helped that I secretly craved his touch.

"Breathe, Jaime." Steven lowered his head to my neck. I could feel his hot breath on it and it made my skin tingle. I took a shaky breath, trying to do as he says. I felt him put his other hand on my other hip, "Breathe." This time I felt his lips brush against my neck and I accidentally let a breath that squeaked at the end a little. My face lit up with embarrassment, but it subsided when Steven's grip on my hips tightened.

"S-Steven..." I trailed off with a sigh of content when he kissed my neck. My heart raced and I felt like I was on some kind of high. He kissed it again and again until he found my sweet spot, causing me to moan quietly and my knees to buckle. I barely kept my balance.

As soon as he located my weak spot, he sucked lightly on it, making me moan tilt my head so he could have better access. I fisted and unfisted my hands behind my back, wishing I could touch him. But I knew how dangerous that could be.

Steven pulled me tighter against him and kissed up my jawline and eventually making it to the corner of my mouth. He pulled away then and rested his forehead against mine for a second.

"I need this more than you do." He muttered out quickly before crushing his lips on mine with a little more force than I expected, but I wasn't going to complain. I kissed back as much as I could with my hands tied behind my back.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach, making my entire body weak. He moved us both backwards until I felt my back hit the wall. He then trailed down my neck, sucking harder this time, and back up to my lips. I pulled against the rope, hating myself now for letting him tie my wrists.

I was completely distracted when one of his hands dropped to my ass and squeezed causing me to gasp. Steven used this opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. I moaned, louder than I would have liked to.

Curious as to how to make Steven make noise as well, I thrusted my hips towards his. To my pleasure, he let out a grunt. I smirked at my small victory, but it was short lived. Steven did the same thing and the friction made me squeak.

"You won't win this, Jaime." Steven spoke in a low voice against my lips and I shuddered. He was right. I pulled against my ropes.

"I-it's not a f-fair game." I breathed out. Steven pulled away.

"That's what makes it fun." He quickly untied the rope behind my back, but tied my wrists in front of me before I could do anything. I whimpered, but he just smirked at me and lifted my hands above my head, pinning them against the wall. Holding them there with one hand, he placed the other one on the small of my back and pushed my hips into his, making us both moan.

"S-Steven-" I started to protest his unfair methods but he covered my lips with his again, and there was no way I was going to stop him.

This was a fun day of training.

Weeeeeeeeelllllllllllll. That was awkward....Okay, well, I'm gonna go....bye.

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