Guardian (Shawn Michaels)

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Jamie stood in the Gorilla, getting ready to make her entrance as Shawn and Triple H's partner. She teamed up with DX, and they set up another segment to mock the McMahons because it's fun as hell to see their reactions. They hated DX, and they hated Jamie.

She used to be Stephanie's best friend, but soon decided she and her family were just too brutal and abusive to the people they didn't like, and Jamie wanted to see if they would do the same to her, or if they wouldn't have the balls.

Also, she kinda had a crush on Shawn Michaels, and they were especially huge ass holes to him.

Jamie stood between Triple H and Shawn, "Um, do you guys want me to do anything specific?" she had never entered as a team with someone before.

"Exactly what you're doing now," Shawn told her. She looked up at him in confusion, "Stand there and look sexy."

He winked at her as Triple H chuckled. Jamie blushed and looked down. Why did he have to flirt like that with every girl he saw? It sucked.

"O-okay," she answered, not entirely sure what else to say. The music hit the next moment, and Jamie let the smile crawl onto her face at the excitement of hearing the fans. She started walking down ramp, watching as DX did their thing, dancing and making an X with their arms. The crowd simply loved them.

Jamie waved, smiled, and laughed, making sure people knew she was happy, but not trying to make herself seem too comfortable, considering she was new and hadn't earned the DX fan base yet. Without warning, she felt someone grab her hand and spin her before wrapping his arm over her shoulder, and she looked up in bewilderment to see Shawn smirking back down at her.

When they got to the ring, they let the fans chant "DX" for a little while before taking a microphone and beginning the McMahon's humiliation.

"You all know our friend, Vince McMahon, right?" Triple H spoke into the mic. The crowd made a noise of acknowledgment as Shawn took over.

"Well, thanks to a very..." Shawn eyed Jamie up and down flirtatiously, "...eye pleasing woman we've recently had the pleasure of meeting, we now know that his absolute favorite drink is tea."

"But you know what we noticed?" Triple H asked. He turned to Shawn, "What did we notice, Shawn?"

Jamie looked to Shawn as well, her smile slowly growing, "Well, my muscled friend, we noticed that tea," Shawn gestured to one side with his hands, "well, it looks just like piss."

The crowd went crazy, already putting together what these two troublemakers had done. Jamie finally started giggling, knowing exactly what was coming.

"More specifically, my piss," Triple H finished, and Jamie let out a laugh when Shawn put his hands up in mock cluelessness.

"And since this sexy young thing knows where he gets his tea, I think you guys know exactly what we've been up to for the past--how long has it been, sweet heart?" Shawn, held the microphone in front of Jamie, who was still blushing at the names he gave her.

"Oh, just about a month or so. No biggie," Shawn smirked and winked her, and she couldn't help but melt.

The crowd started cheering for DX, and Jamie looked in awe at how supportive their fans were. But the moment was cut short when Vince's music began to blast through the speaker, and not one, not two, but all three McMahons marched towards the ring, clearly pissed.

Shawn and Triple H didn't falter as they entered the ring and squared them off. Jamie looked to Stephanie, who was looking at her like she was dirt, and raised a challenging eyebrow.

"You mean to tell me that I've been drinking your piss for the last month?" Vince barked into the microphone he grabbed when he initially entered the ring. Jamie looked to Shawn and Triple H, who both nodded like it wasn't a big deal. She laughed.

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