WWE Degeneration X Make-up

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Triple H stood in the center of the ring, his long hair whipping about as he yelled for Shawn to face him like a man and make his way to the ring as well. Jamie was a member of DX, but more so a friend to the main members. And it hurt her to see them fighting like that.

Shawn and Triple H were in the middle of an argument because of Triple H's tendency to go a little crazy and betray Shawn and Jamie. But this time, they were both going a little nuts, and Jamie feared for their health if Shawn actually showed up at the moment.

But to her dismay, from her spot in front of the TV showing the action in the ring, Jamie saw Shawn storm past her and through the curtains, moving so fast she doubted the technician would have time to play his entrance music before he was at the ring and in the middle of the confrontation.

"Shawn, don't," Jamie warned Shawn firmly, grabbing his bicep with a grip just as steady as her voice. He stopped for a split second to look back at her, anger swarming his eyes, before roughly pulling out of her grasp and increasing his speed to the ring.

Jamie sighed. She returned to her place in front of the screen and watched as Shawn made his way towards a fuming Triple H. Triple H dropped his microphone, and Shawn didn't even bother grabbing one. They just began yelling at each other, judging by the way their faces were turning red and their fists were clenched at their sides.

That is, until Triple H shoved Shawn.

It would have been one thing to punch him, kick him, or even give him the Pedigree. But a shove? One that doesn't send him on his ass? That was just a sign of disrespect, and it was done purely out of spite. Jamie knew what was coming next.

Taking a deep breath in and readying herself for what was to come, she sprinted out to the ring, the technician barely having time to play her song. The last thing she wanted was to see her two best friends hurt each other, no matter what the reason was.

Jamie wasn't supposed to fight that night, so she was in her normal clothes, just jeans and a black T-shirt and tennis shoes. That's what the audience saw when she ran out just in time to see Shawn punch Triple H square in the jaw. And things only got worse from there as she progressed towards the ring.

By the time she got there, it was pretty much a brawl. The referees were trying to break them up, but they moved out of the way when she came sprinting through them, knowing that if anyone could get through to them, it was her.

"Hey, dumbasses!" Jamie yelled to them. She stood, arms crossed, in front of the scene. So far, it was a stalemate, both of them rolling around on the ground. But soon, Triple H was on top of Shawn, ruthlessly letting his punches fly. That put just an ounce of fear in the pit of Jamie's stomach. Triple H wasn't ever one to hold back.

Jamie moved swiftly toward them, single-handedly prying Triple H off of Shawn, but not without struggle. At the sight of her between them, Shawn held himself back, but just barely. Triple H, however, shoved her to the side and onto the ground. Jamie sat in angry shock as referees swarmed her in concern. She waved them off.

She watched as Shawn looked to her with concern for a split second before turning to Triple H in fury, which was now multiplied, yelling profanities and pointing to her every once in a while before Shawn tackled him back to the ground.

Jamie shook off her shock and got to her feet. Once again, she used all her strength to pull Shawn off of Triple H and stood between them, eyeing Triple H's stance. He was as close to Shawn as he could get without pushing her over. Again.

Shawn shouted something to him, causing him to step impossibly closer. Jamie's annoyance took over as she placed her hands on his chest and shoved him back. The crowd went silent as soon as she did. Triple H glared at her, but she just glared straight back.

"You ass holes really think this is worth it?" she asked with slight anger in her voice. They just glared at each other over her head, considering she was much shorter than them both.

"You deserve everything coming to you!" Shawn shouted, egging Triple H on. He grunted and began to charge towards Shawn, but Jamie acted quickly and boldly.

"You two wanna fight?" she shouted over them, just barely holding them apart. They parted, but kept their stone hard glare at each other, "Then you'll both have to fight me first!"

At this, they finally both looked down at her, shock written on their faces. She used one hand each to push them back further and glared at them, daring them to approach. When neither of them did, she continued to try and calm them down.

"Guys, you have been friends for way too long to let it come to a useless brawl," she spoke sternly and without hesitation. They were both breathing heavily when Triple H spoke up.

"We're not a team. And we aren't friends," he growled, "He's just a wuss that doesn't deserve to be in this ring!" he shouted before charging again.

By then, she had gotten them pretty far apart with herself between them. Shawn began to charge back at Triple H, but as a last resort, Jamie threw a punch with as much strength as she could straight to Triple H's  stomach.

Shawn skidded to a halt as Triple H doubled over. The power behind her fist combined with the speed he was gathering must have made it much more painful than she expected.

She glanced back at Shawn, who was utterly surprised, before walking over to Triple H and helping him up. Hurt covered his eyes, like he was snapped back to reality, and Jamie felt the same thing. She never wanted to hurt him, but apparently she had to.

"Hunter," she used his name, capturing even more of his attention, "We both know that you don't want your friendship to end. At least not like this."

She glanced back at Shawn, who had crashed back down to reality as well, "Now, if not for yourselves, than for me. Fix this."

With that, Jamie grabbed the fronts of their shirts and tugged them towards each other, urging them to make up. They were still pissed, and that was proven by their tense stance and death glares, but one look at Jamie, and they're genuine side was brought out.

Despite her efforts, her desperation for her two best friends to make up must have shown on her face, along with her pain from seeing them fight in the first place.

But it was replaced with annoyance at their lack of speaking.

"Jesus! Just freaking hug or something! High five! Hand shake! Kiss for all I care!" Jamie lost it, her words making them stutter awkwardly. She giggled a little before moving behind Shawn and shoving him into Triple H, forcing them to hug.

The crowd went crazy, cheering and chanting DX. Jamie grinned and joined in with the chanting, pumping her fist in time.

She grabbed the wrists of the hesitant wrestlers and raised them, with her in between them. The WWE Universe went even more insane, and Jamie looked to the side to see even the referees applauding.

"Now quit being a dumbass," she pointed at Triple H, "and quit agreeing to fight him." she pointed at Shawn.

They sighed in unison but gave her a smile. Triple H tousled her hair and Shawn patted her shoulder.

"That was a pretty good punch you gave back there," Triple H said to her in a playful warning tone. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Don't make me do it again," She said in the same tone. He smiled at her, as did Shawn, and they made their way backstage, as DX.

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