Chapter 2: Hello, Neighbor

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The following morning, around 9 a.m., Eve stands in front of the electric stove, cooking some breakfast for her and her siblings. Danny and Lilian are still sleeping upstairs, but once the smell of scrambled eggs laced with cheese, crispy bacon, and soft and fluffy banana pancakes fill the air and pinpoint to their noses, they wake up immediately and run off towards the kitchen. As they are about to come down running, Eve yell out to them once she heard their thumping footsteps.

"Danny, Lilian, no running down the stairs" She called out. The twins skid to a halt and walk down the stairs before taking off once they're down. As they barge in, laughing and giggling, they go over to the small dining table. She look back to them and smile.

"Now, come over and help me set up the table, you two. I can't do everything myself." Eve ask the two, who groan, but ended up, going to help her, gathering the plates and cups and setting them on the table. After about ten minutes, Eve is done cooking. She scrape off the eggs and on to the plates the twins set up. She set up the plate of bacon in the middle of the table along with the pancakes. Eve even gets out a carton of orange juice. Once they give thanks, they all go to chow down. Danny starts eating the scrambled eggs while Lilian start cutting up a pancake. Eve takes a sip of her orange juice before the doorbell rang. She gets up.

"You two can continue eating. I'll go check the door." Eve stated. "Ok." They respond before going back to eating. Eve starts walking up to the door, putting on her coat from yesterday. She opens the door to reveal a man dressed in a brown collared shirt with a movers logo and cargo pants.

"Good morning, miss. I hope I didn't catch at a bad time." The man remark. Eve shakes her head.

"Oh no, it's fine. I see the rest of our stuff finally arrived." Eve observed, seeing the large truck.

"Yes," said the man. "Now, we can start by getting the furniture down, and move on to appliances last. How does that sounds?" He ask her.

"Sure, that'll be fine. Let just change and I will come out in a moment." She said before the man nod and goes back to the other worker to get started. She goes back inside and went to her room to change into some comfortable clothes. Once she gets back outside to watch the move underway, she heard someone calling out from behind. She turn to see a middle aged man with a woman of the same age calling out to her. The man appears to be wearing a black Polo shirt and a fedora. The woman is wearing a pinkish red dress shirt with a pink skirt.

"Morning, are you the new neighbor?" The man ask Eve in a slight Russian accent. "Welcome to our fair town."

"Thank you. Yes, we just moved in last night. My name is Eve." She introduced herself. The man takes his hat off and nod.

"Name's Ralph. This is my wife, Sophie." "Hello mother and welcome Eve." She introduced herself to Eve. "We hope you enjoy your time here." "Thank you two. I hope so, too. Well, I got to get back. My siblings must be waiting for me." Eve stated when she look back to see two heads popping out of the doorway.

"Take care, Eve." Ralph said as he and Sophie turn and goes back inside their house. Eve turn as well and goes back with the twins.

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