Chapter 3: Settling In

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Later into the afternoon, after getting the twins back in school, getting to know the neighbors and help out moving their stuff around, Eve then heads out to the shopping district to find herself a job. She walk down the sidewalk, going through pedestrians of all ages. Some are couples and some are families. She pass by many store fronts and restaurants, but not a single one is willing to hire her. After at least two hours, she decides to take a rest and goes to sit on a bench at the town square. She sigh, disappointed about not being able to find a job to support her and her siblings. Then, a young man about her age, twenty years of age, goes to sit next to her. He have black, messy hair that hasn't seen a comb in years. He is wearing a black and red sweater, cut up gloves, and jeans. He look at her and smile.

"Hey there, what's with the frown?" The young man asked Eve, who look up at him.

"Well, I just couldn't find a job here. No one is hiring and I need a job to support my siblings." Eve explained. He nod.

"Tough luck, huh? You're not from around here, are you?" He observed. Eve nod in response.

"I just moved here last night." She stated. "And you are?"

"Oh, right. Sorry about that. The name's Nicholas, but everyone here call me Nick. Welcome to Petlya Palacha." He address before extending his hand out to her. She smile and takes his hand, shaking it. Then, an old man start shouting something in the middle of the plaza.

"My brothers and sisters, hear me out! He's coming back! The end is almost upon us! He will return to inflict punishment on us! We must band together!" The old man yell out to the unsuspecting movers before a couple of officers put him in cuffs and taking him away. Eve look back to Nick.

"Mind if I ask what was that about?" Eve questioned Nick, who shakes his head.

"Don't know. He's been like that for a couple of weeks now. He's been spouting that nonsense since then. Anyway, I know a restaurant not too far from here who's in need of a working hand. Want me to take you there?" Nick asked Eve.

"Yes,  please. That will be extremely helpful." Eve said.

"No problem." Nick stands up. "Just follow me and we'll get there in no time." He starts walking with Eve following.

As they're heading over to said restaurant, Nick over to Eve and tries to start a conversation.

"So, is it just you and your siblings here? You don't have any relatives?" Nick asked. Eve look at Nick and shakes her head.

"No, my parents died in an accident when my brother and sister were toddlers. They don't have siblings of their own, so it leaves us as orphans. So, at the age of sixteen, I set off to start supporting us." Eve explained to Nick about their circumstances.

"Must be bloody tough to care for them and working." Nick stated.

"Yeah. So, what about you?" Eve asked.

"Still living with my mum. Dad left home when I was eight to do a tour in the Middle East. Never came back. So, I dropped out of high school to help me mum in supporting us. So, I know how tough it can be. Anyway, how old are you?" Nick explained. Eve chuckle at the question.

"Strange question to ask a girl. Anyway,  I'm twenty. You?"

"I would say the same thing to you. But, I'll tell you anyway. I am twenty two."

They both laugh and continue talking until ten minutes later,  they arrive. The restaurant has a nice home feeling emanating from it. Tables and chairs are seen outside along with a few people eating.

"Well, here we are. Just go in and ask for the manager. Tell him, Nick send you here."

"Sure. Thank you, Nick, for helping me." Eve said.

"No problem. Maybe later today, we can hang out again."


"Take care, and good luck." Nick address before waving goodbye to her. Eve wave back and head inside.

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