Chapter 4: Awakening

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Outside of town, an old cemetery sit within a patch of dried woods. An old, rusted fence surrounds the property. However, the large gate is opened slightly, perhaps someone sneaked inside. Many tombstones and small monuments are seen within, all different shapes and sizes for each individual who were buried here. Walking around in complete fog and pure moonlight, a grave watcher is walking around, carrying a flashlight and a shovel in case of any disturbed grave sites that were violated by grave robbers. But what he didn't know, tonight is special. A group of mischievous, daredevils sneak in without being spotted by him. The group consist of a small clique of college students on a winter break. Their main objective is to find a certain place within the ancient cemetery. They giggle as they quietly trek through the cemetery only to come across a sort of large structure. Its structure takes after the Gothic outlook and gargoyle statues are seen on the four corners of the roof. A stone door is in place with a large handle and lock. One of the students step up and set down her pack and start searching inside until she takes out a hairpin. She has a pale complexion to her skin. She is wearing a beanie with a light coat and jeans. Her blonde hair stretch to her waist. One of the students keep a lookout for the grave watcher. He is dressed in black sport pants and a red sweater. He is also appearing to wear glasses. After a few minutes, she is able to unlock the heavy placed door. She tries to push, but she can't push it open with her strength. She called out to another young man to help her. He is wearing a sort of letterman jacket that is blue and gray with some football logos on the shoulders, hinting he played football. He assist her, pushing it, until a loud creak is heard, giving them hope. Soon, the other that is on lookout goes to help and soon, they succeeded. They silently cheer until they heard footsteps coming too heir way. They attracted the watcher. They all head inside and close the door. They release a sigh of relief. They look around to find themselves in a rather large room despite how it look outside. Nothing but empty space, no catacombs or stone coffins are seen. Soon, the jock stands straight up.

"Alright people." The young man said to his small group. "Now that we found the place, let's get searching."

"Umm, guys? Are...... are you sure it's ok to be here? It's too nasty and humid here." The last member observe. A young woman who appears to be a bit younger than the others. Her brownish red hair is in a bun and her brown eyes dash around in the darkness until the other students takes out their flashlights.

"Come on, Nina, you're always against this kind of thing." The blonde respond to the girl called Nina. "We are just passing through to see if this so called, "legend" is the real deal."

"Who knows? We'll never know what we find here." The other young man added. He adjust his glasses and flash around. "This tomb looks to be older than the graveyard, perhaps before there was...."

"Ah, ah, ah, Josh." The jock interrupted the one called Josh. "I am not going to have a lecture during break."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to business." The blonde said before walking off towards what seems to be an entrance ahead. The others soon follow behind. They enter the doorway to reveal a stairway heading downward towards darkness. They descend down the stairs. The rock walls feels cold to the touch, even with gloves. Sounds of water droplets falling and hitting the ground is heard. Soon, after a few minutes, they reach the bottom, finding themselves in yet, another large tomb. However, large meat hooks are hanging above them on both sides of the room. Even more creepy, remains of human skeletons litter the floor, whatever meat they had rotted away in time. Even worse, a hangman's noose is swinging just above them. At the other end, another doorway is in sight.

"This place is starting to give me chills." The blonde stated, rubbing her hands together.

"Can't blame you, Michelle. I even start to feel uncomfortable here. But we can't chicken out yet." The jock responded. Nina shakes her head.

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