Day 3 - Part 3

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Kuroko POV

       "Kasamatsu-san do you know anyone from other schools who might still be alive and possible nearby," I asked.
       "No but if I can think of anyone I'll tell you," he responded. "We should go check on the rest of the team who is in the gym. I'm sure they are worried about me too."
       "Kasamatsu-senpai of course they are worried about their captain," Kise yelled as he jumped to hug Kasamatsu only to receive a kick to the stomach.
       "You idiot stop yelling," Kasamatsu scolded.
       "Yes Ryouta you know it attracts them yet you still do it," Akashi sighed.
       "Gomen ssu~," Kise whined and held his stomach.
       "Let's just go," I walked off towards the gym with Kasamatsu.
       "Wait for us Kurokocchi, Kasamatsu-senpai," Kise yelled.
       "Oi what did we just say you idiot," Akashi, Kasamatsu and I smacked him on the head when he had caught up.
       "Itai ssu~," Kise whined.

Time Skip

       "That was a pain getting out of there," I groaned.
       "Yeah it was," Aomine stretched. "Can't believe Tetsu got kidnapped by a zombie. Who would have expected zombies that like to tare clothing."
       "And they usually go after females. Wait if Tetsu-kun fits their description of a female, then does that mean they will go after Akashi-kun as well," Momoi thought aloud.
       "I really hope not," Akashi sweatdropped. "But knowing about zombies that are like this makes things tougher. Tetsuya looks weak but happens to be the strongest here. We lose him it'll take a huge toll on the group."
       "I'm not sure if I should feel offended or proud," I stared at Akashi. "I technically still the weakest. If I wasn't immune to their bites then I'd already be dead."
       "That's true. The first day everything went to hell Kuroko was bitten in the gym where we had beat Rakuzan," Kagami said. "Things would be completely different if Kuroko wasn't here. You guys wouldn't be here either and our class would have been screwed before anything happened."
       "They were screwed to begin with but I guess your right," Aomine said. "Tetsu was the one who called for Akashi, Murasakibara and Kise. They wouldn't be with us and Midorima might have been killed if Tetsu hadn't been there."
       "That's right there was a small horde following him. Kise would have been completely clueless as to the situation and probably would have been like Sakurai was," Kagami continued.        "Everything seems to revolve around Kuroko."
       "I'm just glad everyone is fine right now," Kuroko smiled.
       "If Kurokocchi wasn't here then we wouldn't have probably been heading this way or to any other school for that matter," Kise jumped onto Kuroko. "Then Kasamatsu-senpai would have been stuck in that classroom longer."
       'Guess that means Tetsuya is the better leader of the two of us,' Bokushi groaned in jealousy.
       'We are still of help too you know. Kuroko can't do everything at once so we are the co-leader or something like that,' Oreshi said. 'So don't be so jealous of him. He doesn't mean to steal the spotlight he's just being himself.'
       'Yeah yeah whatever,' Bokushi groaned.
       "Akashi-kun you look rather deep in thought," Kuroko stared.
      "Ah sorry," I said. "Just tired."
      "We were walking around all day. Let's get to the gym and rest for the night but we gotta hurry cause the sun is setting. They get more active in the night," Kuroko told the group.
       "Good point," Kasamatsu walked beside Kuroko. "So much has gone on and we're all confused. It causes us to get tired faster. Once we get used to it things will somewhat go back to normal." He knocked on the doors of the gym.
       "Kasamatsu," Hayakawa opened the door. "We were worried but we have a problem."
       "A problem. What kind," I asked.
       "Nakamura went out to look for Kasamatsu and hasn't returned," Hayakawa said.
       "We need to look for him but the sun is setting rapidly. We don't have flashlights either," Kuroko said. "Looking for him might be tough."
       "What about Moriyama-senpai and Kobori-senpai," Kise asked.
       "They are in here," he said.
       "We need to look for Nakamura but we still have to worry about Tetsu's safety due to that one zombie," Aomine said.
       "How about we text him first," Kise exclaimed.
       "Kise/Kise-kun actually said something smart for once," Kuroko and Kasamatsu said in unison.
       "I feel offended," Kise whined as Kasamatsu pulled out his phone and texted Nakamura.
       "He texted back," Kasamatsu said. "He says he's stuck in Kise's classroom under a pile of rubble."
       "Is he hurt," I asked.
       "I'll asked," Kasamatsu texted Nakamura back. "He said he's not hurt but because of how the rubble is we need to be careful removing it."
       "We might still have time the sun is still up but it won't be for long," Kuroko ran off towards the building.
       "Tetsuya," I said trying to stop him. "Daiki, Taiga and Atsushi come with me. Ryouta you to because we don't know where your classroom is."
       "Hai," Kise said as he and the other three followed me as I chased after Kuroko.
       "Tetsuya get over here," I caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder. "You can't go alone."
       "Ah sorry Akashi-kun," he said as he turned to face me.
       "It's alright just don't do it again," I sighed and waited for the other four to catch up. "I have Daiki, Taiga and Atsushi to help lift the rubble and Ryouta to lead us to the classroom." Kuroko nodded and we waited for them.
       "Kurokocchi don't run off like that. What if that zombie kidnapped you again. It's not safe for you out here," Kise whined.
       "I'm pretty sure I'll be safe. Kasamatsu-san said he doesn't bite people," Kuroko said. "Can we go get your teammate now before it gets dark?"
       "I agree with Tetsu. Those things get worse at night. If they start going after Nakamura while he's under the rubble he might get crushed by it. Kasamatsu said that the supports on it could cause problems if not removed correctly."
       "Nakamura-senpai," Kise whined. "We gotta go help him."
       "What do you think we are doing Kise/Kise-chin," Murasakibara and Kagami sighed. We began walking towards the building again and found Kise's classroom.
       "Oi can you hear me in there," Kuroko said through the rubble.
       "Yeah I can," Nakamura's response was slightly muffled by the debris.
       "Tetsu what are you doing," Aomine asked.
       "Making sure the rubble wasn't deep. How did the classroom above collapse though," Kuroko asked.
       "The classroom above already had lots of cracks in the floor. I guess all the weight and panic caused it to collapse," Kise said.
       "That might be it," Nakamura said. "Now get me out."
       "Hai," Kuroko grabbed at a piece of the rubble and moved it.
       "Tetsu that piece of rubble was bigger than Murasakibara how the fuck did you just move it," Aomine yelled.
       "Aomine-kun be quiet before you lure some of the zombies to us," Kuroko smacked Aomine and started moving the rubble again. "How about you help."
       "Yeah yeah," Aomine grabbed some of it. After moving the debris carefully so that Nakamura didn't get crushed by any of it we got him out.
       "Thanks," he said as he got up only to fall back down. "Ite."
       "Ah you have some on your foot," Kuroko lifted the piece. "I'll have Okaa-san look over it when we get back. There's a lot of blood though."
       "I didn't even notice it," Nakamura looked at his foot.
       "You can walk at least so it should be fine. If it starts hurting we can have someone carry you," I said staring at his foot.
       "Isn't that the foot that you lost all feeling to at the beginning of the year," Kise asked.
       "Yeah that's why I didn't notice," he responded.
       "Let's get out of here before the sun gets any lower," Kuroko and I said. "It's not good and we need rest." Everyone nodded and we walked back to the gym.
        "Nakamura," Hayakawa yelled.
        "Don't yell it will attract them," Kasamatsu smacked Kise.
        "Why me," Kise whined.
        "Because," Kasamatsu said. "Nakamura I have something you can keep on your foot overnight. Come over here." He and Nakamura walked over to one of the benches.
        "Let's rest up for the night," I said and found myself a seat on the court. "Tetsuya?"
        "He always seems to be the first to fall asleep," Aomine ruffled his hair. "I hope this zombie immunity isn't causing him to be tired so much."
        "It might be because of the speed he can regenerate lost cells and can fight viruses. It might take a toll on his body," I said staring at Kuroko who had passed out on my lap. "My question is why did he follow me just to go to sleep."
       "Maybe he's just comfortable with sleeping on you," Kagami smiled. "Can't really help it if your a comfortable pillow can ya."
       "Shut up Taiga," I growled at him.
       "Just get some rest," Kobori said.
       "Yes we will be leaving in the morning," Himuro smiled. "I'm sure we're gonna get out of here early too so we need to rest."


I'm sorry for not updating in awhile. I was busy with class and working on the fanart for the characters. I don't have any ready cause I'm the type to want it to be perfect and stuff though it probably won't be in the end but I want it to look as best I can get it. I was also working on one of my other fanfictions that was almost finished. It's now finished and stuff so I'll be working more on this one now heehee.

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