The Winners and The losers

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The sound of the whistle blowing was like taking a knife to the heart. It was earth shattering, heart breaking.

Fukurodani just played their last match of the season against Nekoma. It was a long match that ended in the third set being 33-31. You could tell that everyone was on edge because of how close the two teams levels were. Both very strong, but today Nekoma showed to be stronger.

Bokuto and Kuroo went to shake hands after the match as captains.

"Nice match, you guys were tough" Kuroo said trying to sound sincere.

Bokuto knew Kuroo wasn't the type to brag, but hearing him say that still hurt him. "Yeah man, nice match!" Bokuto said with a huge smile smeared across his face. He was trying to stay up and be happy for his friend, even though he was dying inside.

After they shook hand Bokuto made it back to his team so they could thank the people in the stands. He immediately stood next to Akaashi and screamed "THANK YOU FOR COMING!"

The rest of the team did the same and they all bowed. That's when Akaashi noticed that Bokuto's eyes were shut tight, trying to hold back tears. This was Bokuto's last match of the season, last match in high school, last match with him.

Later in the locker room everyone was down and very quiet. No one really wanted to discuss what had just happened, especially the third years.

Bokuto was tired of the quietness because all it did was make him feel even worse.


Everyone's jaw dropped and eyes widened as they saw Bokuto slap his own face.

While standing on a bench, and a huge smile on his face, Bokuto said "There's no point in getting down now! We tried our best and we had a great season!! We have to stay up and just look to the future! I'll be back to cheer you all on and watch you go to nationals next year!! So let's head back home and celebrate the team! The team that never gave up!!!"

Bokutos inspiring speech got everyone on the team screaming and yelling. They were all fired up and no longer in a slump.

"Alright! Let's get out of here!" screamed Konoha.

Everyone picked up their stuff and started to head out of the locker room to get on the bus and head home. Just as Bokuto was about to walk out the door he heard a soothing voice call his name.


Bokuto turned around to meet eyes with his beloved crying setter. Seeing Akaashi cry was something that rarely happened. He was usually so strong, emotionless, that seeing him cry hurt Bokuto even more than losing.

"I don't get it. How can you say that. 'There's no point in getting down'? You say that like it's stupid, or pointless that we feel sad. And for you to say look to the future. How can I do that when it's a future without you in it? I don't want to imagine anything without you."

Akaashi started crying harder. His tears running down his face, hitting the floor. Seeing Akaashi in this state brought Bokuto to tears. He ran over to his setter and hugged him.

The embrace by his best friend only made him start to cry even harder. He was trying to quiet his wails by crying into Bokuto's shirt. The ace tried to calm both Akaashi and himself. He needed to stay strong for the beautiful boy in front of him.

After a couple of minutes Akaashi felt his heart lift up. Being so close to his ace made him feel less sad, happier.

"Hey, Akaashi, do you want to sleep over at my house tonight?"

Without saying a word or breaking the hug, Akaashi nodded his head, and could sense the grin appearing on Bokutos face.

"Okay," Bokuto said, stepping back and reaching out his hand to Akaashi. "Let's go have a fun time with the team."

"Okay Bokuto-san"

Akaashi grabbed the owl looking boys hand and was dragged out of the locker room. Both with huge smiles on their faces made their way back to the bus to see the rest of the team waiting.

"What took you so long?" questioned Komi.

"Oh, nothing. Let's go get some food!!" Bokuto shouted, throwing his fists up into the air.

The rest of the team agreed. Akaashi just smiled.

So then the team went to a restaurant to celebrate all of the good times that they shared together. All the laughs and long practices. Everything they were going to miss next year.

Akaashi looked over at Bokuto and was surprised to see that he was smiling so widely, but he knew he wasn't okay. He knew that no matter how hard he tried to be happy, leaving the team hurt him.

A few hours later the boys finished eating and all went home. Bokuto and Akaashi were the last to leave. As they were walking neither boy could think of what to say. Usually Bokuto is never at a lost for words, but this time he was dead silent. Akaashi wanted to do something to get Bokuto's mind off the match, he just didn't know how.

"Isn't the sky pretty tonight?" Akaashi said in a low whisper.

Bokuto looked up to the sky and started to smile, even laugh a bit. The sky he was looking up at was quite the opposite of beautiful. There were dark clouds everywhere and it seemed as if it was going to rain.

Bokuto started to lose it and began to laugh uncontrollably. He stopped moving and Akaashi looked at him confused.

"AKAWSHI HAHA, oh my gosh haha, I love you!"

Bokuto stopped laughing after saying that, and Akaashi's face grew a bright red.

"Um, I mean, like uh, as a friend ya know. I just, liked how you tried to cheer me up, that's all..."

"Um, Bokuto-san..."


"Do you think maybe you lo-"

Akaashi was cut off by the sound of Bokuto's phone ringing. It was his mother, so he had to answer it. She was calling to tell them to hurry home. It was getting late and she was worried.

"Akaashi, we have to go, so let's hurry to my house. We can talk there."

Akaashi nodded his head and they started to walk again. As they were walking to the house their hands were slightly brushing up against each others. Akaashi's face became red again, and Bokuto noticed. He smiled widely at how adorable he was being. So he grabbed his hand and walked the rest of the way.

(A/N I'm going to actually update this one soon. Sorry if anything is messy or bad. Please vote and comment)

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