Chapter 4: Akatsuki... or Home?

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So I had this chapter almost done, and it didn't save. So it's suuper late now. Sorry ~ Captain Kayla💖

*One year later*

"HEY LIL BITCH! COME HERE!!" Hidan yelled for Murasaki.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT HIDAN?!" Mura shouts back, irritated and home sick.

"LET ME SACRIFICE YOU TO LORD JASHIN!" Hidan replies back, approaching Mura rather quickly. Itachi appears in-between the two before Hidan could get to Mura.

"Hidan, you will not lay a hand on Mura, or call her 'Lil' Bitch'. It is not polite." Itachi says.

"Protective of the girl now are we?" Kisame says as he enters the Akatsuki base living room.

"Hey Fishy!" Mura exclaims, ignoring the other boys. She runs up to Kisame and hugs him, laughing slightly.

"Uh, hey squirt." Kisame says, a little taken back from the affection. Itachi's eye twitches slightly due to his friend's split personality. He then smiles seeing her smile and laugh with Kisame. He was getting worried due to her not smiling since they left Konoha. He knew she missed their village, and wants to go back.

"Mura, let's go outside and spar a bit. We can't get rusty." Itachi says. Mura visibly sighs,

"Ita, is training the only thing you think about?" Itachi sighs,

"No I just think it's important, now let's go."

"Hai, hai. I will beat you there!!" She then yells and runs off. She arrives at their training spot. It's right outside of Amegakure, in a forest.

"Hehe, Ita I beat youuu!" Mura yells at him as he arrives. Itachi sighs, and nods his head.

"Should we work on taijutsu today?" He said. Mura nods slowly, getting into a taijutsu stance.

"Ready... Set... GO! " Mura yells out jumping at Itachi quickly with a kick. Itachi blocks the kick and tries to punch her in the same motion. She pounces back doing back flips, and lands gracefully.

"C'mon Ita attack mee~" Mura whines out. Itachi creates a clone and the clones runs at Mura quickly.

"So you wanna use clones eh?" Mura says and smirks. She creates a series of hand signs,

"Tamashi style: Tamashi clone!" A clone of Mura appears beside her. The clone looks at Itachi's clone and attacks it, making Itachi's clone to disperse in a murder. Itachi's clone appears again behind Mura's, trying to punch it. The clones go out into a series of blocking and attacking. The real Mura finds the real Itachi.

"Ita~ You let your guard down~" Mura says, hitting a pressure point making Itachi fall to the ground with a grunt. Mura then sits on Itachi's back, immobilizing him.
"Hn, Mura get off of me." Itachi says, unhappy of his loss to the girl.

"Awe, don't be mad at me~" Mura whines. She gets off of Itachi, and helps him up. Itachi looks into the girls eyes, and sees the sadness in them.

"Mura... You know you don't have to stay with me... You can go back to them.. Sasuke, and Naruto. You wouldn't be able to come back, but..." Itachi says sadly to the girl.

"Itachi, I can't leave you. You are alone now, you only have me and Sasuke. Sasuke won't understand, so really only me...the boys have eachother." Mura replies, looking down at the ground. Itachi engulfs the girl in a hug,

"Mura, go back.... It'll be safer. I know you hate it here. I can cover you, come up with something. Please, do this for me.... I... I love you... I don't want you to get hurt... " Itachi says sadly. Mura looks up at the boy, tears slipping from her eyes. Itachi wipes her tears away, and looks into Mura's eyes.

"I've always loved your eyes, a bright sea of purple. Always shining, even when your sad. So pretty when you cry, or smile. Please don't cry.. " He says. Mura leans into the boy, kissing him softly.

"I will go back. I love you too, always have for that matter.... Heh this is a bad way to leave, isn't it? I'm sorry... " Mura then says, she kisses the boy again, slightly harder this time. She pulls apart saddly, looking into Itachi's dark eyes possibly the last time for awhile.

"Murasaki Tamashi, I love you and always will. Nothing will ever change that. I will protect you, no matter what. Go back to the village, be with them. I will come up with something, I love you. Good-bye... " Itachi says, kissing the girl once more before dissapearing with a cloud of smoke. Mura starts crying,hard, knowing her decision will cause her issues in the future. She knows she will see him again, she doesn't know when. She then creates a clone, telling it to injure her.
The clones obliges, and uses multiple jutsu. Mura saves enough chakra to teleport in front of the big gates of Konoha.

"Who is that?!" The guard exclaims.

"It's Tamashi Murasaki!! She went missing a year ago She needs medical attention!" The other said. Mura was picked up by the man and taken to the hospital.

"Hello how may I- OH MY! I NEED 5 NURSES STAT! " The receptionist says, seeing the girls condition. The nurses take Mura and wheel her into a room to be treated. A ninja teleports to the Hokage's office quickly.

"Lord 3rd, Tamashi Murasaki appeared in front of the gates just a while ago. She was severely injured, but nothing fatal. She is currently stable, and is conscious. Her room is in Sector 3,Room 31." The nurse said.
"So the Tamashi Princess returned. Thank you, tell her I will talk to her soon about her standing in Konoha. " Lord 3rd says. The nurse nods, bows and leaves.

"Tamashi-sama, the Hokage will come and speak with you. " she says to the girl. Mura nods and dismisses the nurse. The Hokage then appears and takes in the form of the girl in front of him.

"Hokage-sama, what a pleasure to be back. " Mura says calmly.

"Calm as ever I see... Well you shall keep your rank as ANBU captain, and stay here. If anyone shall ask you where you went, tell them a mission. Welcome back, Princess. " the Hokage says. Mura puffs out her cheek at her nickname by the man. He chuckles and leaves. Murasaki is now back home, but for how long?

Okay so these chapters are all over the place I know. I just hate fillers, so when we get around to where the actual anime starts, then it will get better.... Hopefully. Thank you for reading. ~ Captain Kayla

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