Chapter 18: Tsunade

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 Yay school is almost over guys! I'm hoping to get a laptop this summer so i can update more frequently. Also Thanks to those who are consistent readers. We hit 200 reads a few days ago and I'm happy. Anyways, hope you like this chapter ~ Kayla

"Remember to keep your training going Saku, I'm going to leave the village with Naru and Jiraya-sensei for a bit. I will be back soon. Be good! " I tell Sakura at the village gates. She nods and yells at Naruto and I walk over to Jiraya.

 "Jiraya-sensei, do you think Naruto will be able to master the rasengan? " I ask worriedly. Jiraya chuckled quietly and looked at Naruto.

 "That kid's got spirit. He is also the son of Konoha's Yellow Flash. " He stated and gazed at him lovingly.

 "He is also my godson, and your little brother. After all they loved you as their own. " He added and smiled at me. 


 "Hokage-sama, what is it you want to teach me?" I ask the yellow haired man. He looks at me and hands me a water balloon.

 "Mura, what did I tell you, It's just Minato! Besides that, I'm going to teach you a jutsu I created myself. It's called the rasengan. It is a A-ranked jutsu but I'm sure it no sweat for you. " He scolds and tells me. 

 "So Minato-sama, what the hell do I do with this water balloon?" I ask, and he smacks my head for swearing. He tells me to activate my Tamagan and watch his chakra. He uses his chakra to pop the balloon and I sweat drop.

 "That's it? Can't you show me the final product?" I complain and he sighs.

 "Fine, but I doubt you will be able to do it for awhile. It took me 3 years to master this jutsu." He sighs out and does the rasengan. I look at it and sense the immense power and pure chakra.

 "Whoaaaa! That's pretty cool. It's still boring though, I will be able to spice it up easily. " I say and wave my hand at him.

 "Mura, I can't even add different chakra natures to it. Kakashi failed as well and made the chidori instead. " He said and shook his head. 

 "I don't need this dumb water balloon, watch I can add fire chakra to it easily! Hell I will do it with the purple flames! " I yell at him and pout. He doesn't believe in me! I will show him, doubting me is never a good thing to do! I run away and Minato shouts for me to come back. Baka, he needs to believe in me more like Kushina! I run to the river where Ita and I train and begin following the steps for the Rasengan. A ball of fire chakra forms in my hand and burns it,

 "Ow! Fuck!" I yell out and Itachi emerges from the forest with a worried look on his face.

 "What happened Mura?" He questioned and I hid my hand quickly.

 "Nothin! Don't worry about it!" I yell at him and bandage my hand quickly.

 "Let me see it. " He ordered and I stuck my tongue out.

 "No! I'm fine! Let me train!" I yell and he tilts his head to the side in a cute manner.

 "Without me?" He pouted slightly and I nod. I want this jutsu to be a secret!

 "What jutsu are you learning? A new fire jutsu?" Itachi questioned as he grabbed my hand quickly. 

 "Hmph, maybe. It doesn't involve you! "  I say and run deep in the forest. I should be fine here... Now lets work on this. I form chakra into my hand to create a unstable regular rasengan. Slowly...slo-

 "AAAAAAA!" I scream out and draw a kunai at my attacker. Itachi starts laughing and i throw the kunai at him angrily. 

 "ITACHI! I WAS DOING SOMETHING!!!!!" I scream at him. 

"Ne, sorry Mura, anyways wasn't that the Rasengan? " He questions and I sigh.

 "Yes Itachi it was. Now let me train in peace before I paralyze you!" I threaten and he sighs and stops talking. I wave my hand in a shoo manner and he stays put. I groan out and throw kunais at him and he blocks them all. I give up and start again. Slowly...slowly now. There! I throw the rasengan into the tree setting it in bright flames.

 "YES! I DID IT!" I cheer and look at my hand again to see it burned pretty badly. Kushina is going to kill me for hurting myself this bad, great! 

 "That was pretty cool, although it would be better if it were stable and wouldn't hurt your hands. " Itachi added and i huff at him and walk away. 

                                                 ~Flashback Over~

"Let's go find this lady Mura-nee!!!" Naruto pulled my hand and dragged me out of the village excitedly. I chuckle and walk ahead some, I already know where Tsuande was, she has such big chakra reserves that she is hard not to find. However, that would ruin all the fun, might as well go talk to her privately. 

 "Oi, I'm going ahead. don't worry bout me!" I yell and dash off into a nearby village. I find a familiar blonde haired woman in a bar. I walk into it and sit down next to her.

 "Yo Tsuande-sensei!" I cheer at her and she looks at me wide eyed.

 "Mura!" She said and offered me a drink of sake.

 "I would love to butttt, I can't! " I decline and she gives me a questioning look.

 "Why you love sake!" She yelled out and I gave her a happy look. I place her hand on my stomach and smile at her.

 "WHAT THE HELL?!" Tsunade yelled and she figured it out. Shizune came running in and looked at us weirdly. I walk out with Tsunade in tow and we go to a hotel to talk more privately.

 "You are looking at the Fiance of itachi Uchiha!" I cheer and she fell as Shizune sweat dropped.

 "MURASAKI TAMASHI YOU ARE IN A HEAP OF TROUBLE!" Tsunade yelled and scolded me.  My face turned serious and I placed my hands on my slowly growing stomach, I was only 2 months through so it wasn't very big.

 "Tsunade-sensei, I need you to be there for the birth... As you know the curse of twins in the Tamashi clan. Sugi said you may be able to help keep them both alive..They are twins according to my vision wolf and my pack medic.  Beside you are going to have to come to the village very soon. The reason why, well that is't my job to tell you." I say and she looks at me wiht slight anger.

 "You expect me to deliver a rogue's children?!" She questions and I look down.

 "I'm not expecting you to deliver a rogue's children. I'm asking you to deliver my and as well of Itachi's children. Besides, the Elder's already accepted it, well not like they had a choice because I threatened to leave the village otherwise and they don't want to lose a asset like me."  I chuckle and she looks at me with a weird look in her eyes.

 "Fine. However, you w-" A high pitched yell went through the room and Kana busted through the window.

 "MURA-CHANNNNNNN!" She yelled and jumped on me. I laugh and catch her easily.

 "Hey Kana, I'm pregnant. " I tell her and she squeals.


 "Anyways, I'm going to go back to the boys, kana you can tag along of course. " I say. There is something wrong with Tsuande, she is hiding something and I know it. 

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