Reunited Part 1

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Four years have passed since Mahiru and the others played truth or dare. Now, Mahiru is a twenty year old college junior. He has never been late to school before, but today... a certain lazy neet vampire was slowing him down.

Mahiru: Kuro, wake up!!
Kuro: *yawns* You're so loud... Mendokusē 😩
Mahiru: You can't always wake up this late, Kuro 😡!! I'm gonna miss my first class if you do!!

Kuro ignores Mahiru and goes back to sleep. Mahiru sighs and starts to leave.

Mahiru: Well, I guess I'll be leaving you at home then. I'll see you in a couple of hours.
Kuro: I'm up!!
Mahiru: Come here, Kuro...

Mahiru opens up his bookbag while Kuro is slowly walking towards him. He then picked him up and carefully placed Kuro inside.

Mahiru: You comfortable in there, Kuro?
Kuro: It's okay, I guess...
Mahiru: Do you want me to carry you then?
Kuro: No, it's fine *yawns* 

Mahiru: Do you want me to carry you then?Kuro: No, it's fine *yawns* 

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Mahiru wore a big smile on his face and looked down at his watch.

Mahiru: Oh god, I'm gonna be late!! Let's go!!

Mahiru grabs his bag and rushes out the door. He started to run as fast as he can when he bumped into someone familiar.

Licht: Ow!! Watch where you're going 😠!!
Mahiru: Oh my god!! I'm so sorry for... Licht?!

The dark haired twenty two year old looked at Mahiru, confused. He didn't even know the guy who just bumped into him and yet, he seemed so familiar.

Licht: Yeah. Who are you?
Mahiru: It's me, Mahiru!!
Licht: *softens expression* Mahiru?
Mahiru: It's been a long time.
Licht: Yeah, it has.

Licht looks closely at Mahiru and notices that the boy who used to be slightly shorter than him was now almost practically towering over him. (Okay... maybe I'm exaggerating just a little bit)

Licht: You're a lot taller now...
Mahiru: 😅 Yeah, I had a bit of a growth spurt.
Kuro: *pops his head out* Mahiru? Who are you talking to?
Mahiru: An old friend of ours, Kuro.

Kuro rubs his eyes with his paws and looks closely at who is talking to Mahiru.

Kuro: Baiorensu tenshi? Weren't you traveling around the world, playing at multiple piano concerts?
Licht: I was but it turns out that the last few concerts that I'm playing at are right here in Japan. So, I caught an early flight with the shit rat and... here I am.
Kuro: Shit rat? Is Hyde with you right now?
Licht: Yeah.

Licht takes his bag off and opens it. Covered in a tiny blanket was a tiny black and white hedgehog. Due to the sunlight shining in the bag, Hyde woke up and started to complain.

Hyde: It's so bright!!
Licht: Quit whining!! *softens his tone* Look who I bumped into... literally

Hyde was so excited that he jumped out of the bag and transformed.

Hyde: 😀 Mahiru!! You're so tall now!!
Kuro: Why are you so loud in the morning?
Hyde: Nii san? I didn't know you were here too!!
Kuro: Mukiaenē...
Licht: What college do you go to now, Mahiru?
Mahiru: I go to the University of Tokyo now.
Licht: Really? Me too!! Well, as of yesterday anyway...
Kuro: *to Mahiru* Don't you have to go to class right now?
Mahiru: 😲😲 Oh my god!! You're right!! *to Licht* I have to go now!!
Licht+Hyde: What are you talking about?
Mahiru: What do you mean?
Hyde: It's Saturday
Mahiru: Nani?!

Mahiru checks his phone for the date and smacked his forehead. Meanwhile, Kuro felt aggravated.

Mahiru: Oops!! My mistake...
Kuro: You made me wake up early for nothing?! Mendokusē 😩....
Licht: When I saw your bag, I just assumed that you were on your way to the meetup at Misono's.
Mahiru: Wait, there's a meetup at Misono's?
Licht: Yeah. Didn't you check your Facebook?
Mahiru: *shakes his head* I've been so busy lately that I haven't had any time to.
Licht: Misono made a group chat and sent the message to everyone. See?

Licht gave Mahiru his phone so he could see the message. Mahiru is left shocked but not because of what was written....

Mahiru: He even sent the message to Tsubaki and Sakuya?!
Licht: Yeah, I was pretty surprised myself. I thought he hated their guts...
Mahiru: *to Kuro* Did you see the message?
Kuro: Um... maybe
Mahiru: Why didn't you tell me 😡?!
Kuro: I never read it. Didn't feel like it...
Hyde: That's just like you, nii san. Being lazy as usual, huh?
Kuro: Whatever
Mahiru: *to Licht* So, where does Misono live?
Licht: The same house as he always has. You know what? Why don't you just come with us?
Mahiru: Sure, why not? Makes things simpler than me just going by myself later and trying to wake up Kuro again.
Licht: Besides, I think a certain shit rat wants to get reacquainted with his *imitates Hyde* nii san.

Hyde is constantly trying to start a conversation with Kuro, but he just didn't feel like talking. So, he did what he always does: acting lazy.

Kuro: Watashi wa ima tsukarete iru, Haido (I'm tired right now, Hyde)!! Leave me alone 😒!!
Hyde: Aww 😦!! I wanted to talk with you, nii san!! It's been so long!!
Kuro: *sighs* Fine... when we get to Kisama chan's house, I'll talk to you.
Hyde: Really?
Kuro: Sure, why not...
Hyde: Yay!!

Hyde starts jumping up and down. In fact, he was so excited that he ended up transforming back to his cute little hedgehog form. Mahiru is just smiling at the sight.

Licht: Oi, baka nezumi!! Let's go!!
Hyde: I don't feel like walking, Lichtan... Can you carry me?
Licht: What?! No!!
Hyde: I know you want to
Licht: Ugh, fine... I hate it when you're cute....

Licht picks up Hyde and starts walking to Misono's house, with Mahiru following close behind. As he was walking though, Licht started petting Hyde without even realizing it.

Hyde: "Squeak, squeak!!" (Idk what sounds hedgehogs make so...)
Licht: So cute...
Hyde: What'd you say, tenshi-chan?
Licht: N-nothing 😶!!
Mahiru: *to Kuro* If you're still tired, you can take a nap if you want. I'll wake you up when we get there.

Kuro nods and quickly falls asleep, dreaming about Mahiru making lots of ramen for him to enjoy.

*I've decided to split this chapter into two parts, but I hoped you guys liked this so far...

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