Chapter 3

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Branch's PoV

When we exited the house, Poppy started mumbling something I couldn't understand.
"Poppy, what are you saying?" I asked her in confusion.
"I'm humming, because I can't sing!" She explained.
Ah well... That explains it.
"Well stop, you're distracting my thing" I disapproved of her singing.
"Well you're distracting my humming!" She answered back. With out realising it I tripped over a large rock which made her giggle.
"Stop laughing!" I told her annoyed of her laughs.
"But that was funny!" She made a high pitch squeal.
"Well stop. I could of plummeted to my death!" I dramatically told her.
"Oh stop over exaggerating!" She skipped towards a plant and plucked it from the ground and started chanting.
"Branch is grumpy, branch is not" she plucked a petal repeatedly after the chanting in a sing song voice.
"Poppy, what are you doing now..." I asked annoyed of her chants.
"Branch is grumpy..." She plucked out the last petal and blew it in my face and giggled.
"Poppy stop that!" I snatched the stem of the plant and threw it into the dirt beneath my feet.
"Branch! Have fun for once!" She grabbed my hands and spun me around making me dizzy.
"POPPY. LET GO. IM SERIOUS NOW!" I shouted aggressively at her. She looked hurt after my words and I felt guilty.

"why don't you like hugs?" She randomly asked after an hour of walking.
"If you haven't noticed I don't like them." I walked a little quicker to try and avoid her question.
"Well something has to of triggered you to no longer like them" she caught up with me and then continued.
"And you were very possessive of that shoulder bag?" She told me as if I didn't know already.
"It's my life. Leave me alone, or I'm turning back" I glared at her and walked along in front again. She sighed and walked beside me again. We then walked in silence together.

We reached a lake and we stopped for a rest by the shimmering waters.
"We will rest here for tonight" I told Poppy as we both set out our sleeping bags.
"Branch... Can I ask you a question?" I looked up and asked her to continue.
"Can I sing?" She pleaded. I looked down.
"No..." I told her holding my knees sadly.
"Branch what's wrong?" She asked me.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I wrapped myself in the blankets near a tree.
"Branch I am here for you if you just let me in." She then rolls over and drifts of to sleep, and I followed suit.

I woke up and stretched my arms then legs. Yawning, I asked Poppy "are you up?" She responded with a light nod. I heard a rustle in the trees behind us and on instinct I jumped up and placed my body in front of poppy's.
"Whose there?" I whispered. The bush stopped shaking and out came a baby squirrel.
"Aw look at the baby squirrel!" She shoved my protective shield and went to go pet it, but in fright it scurried away.
"Aw" her lips pouted in sadness.
"We have got to keep moving" I swung my backpack over my shoulder and strolled down towards the lake filling up my beaker.
"How long left?" Poppy asked in exhaustion.
"About another day it would take." She skipped beside me.
"Oh look at that beautiful flower!" She exclaimed. I looked in her direction in sight and felt sad all over again.

Author: thanks for reading so far next update very soon! Can't leave you all waiting! Feel free to comment any suggestions 😀

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