⛸All I need⛸

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Yuri and Viktor had been together for around a year and things were progressing. Viktor had permanently moved to Kyushu with Yuri, and had founded their own ice skating rink, to which they lived above..

Viktor had been teaching Yuri how to land various quads and whatnot, when Yuri let out a cute little sneeze, Viktor turned to Yuri and asked

'Yuri, are you okay?'

'ye-' he was cut off by a sneeze, followed by a sniffle

'No you're not...' Viktor said already pressing his cold hand to Yuri's forehead.

'I am I swea-'Yuri innocently began, only to once again be cut off by a sneeze. Viktor grabbed his smaller boyfriend, lifting him bridal style and skating him off the rink.

Viktor placed his little Yuri down on a seat, usually used for large audiences, and began untying his laces, slowly and carefully, he listened to the sound of Yuri's sniffles and sneezes. Viktor continued untying Yuri's skates, as Yuri played with his boyfriends hair, giggling whenever he messed it up. ' He's so cute,' Viktor chuckled, until he began to realize that he had just said that out loud, making Yuri jolt forward to hug Viktor, literally as Viktor moved to take off Yuri's skates. resulting in Yuri falling on his face once again.

'Ahh!' Yuri yelled

'Jeez Yuri...Why you gotta be so clumsy? huh?' Viktor said smiling, then crouching down so his little, sick piggy could get a piggy back. Yuri quickly climbed onto Viktors back, burying his face in the elders neck for warmth, making Viktor chuckle once again, place his arms underneath him, making sure Yuri wasn't going to fall again,
Viktor had gotten up the stairwell to their apartment about 10 minutes later and by that time, Yuri was already well asleep, meaning Viktor would have to tuck him into bed like a child, but Viktor thought Yuri was cute when he was sleepy so he secretly enjoyed it. He really did like kids, he wanted some of his own someday, he would have adopted one if he hadn't met Yuri. He was already planning to adopt a child in Russia, but had to cancel so he could move to Hasetsu with Yuri. Yuri had refused to adopt, he said it was a 'huge commitment' but Viktor was all for it. Yuri shivered bringing Viktor out of his daze, he must be cold Viktor thought to himself. He began to crawl under the covers with Yuri, embracing his younger boyfriend, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. You're all I need Yuri, you're all I need to be happy...

// Viktuuri// one shots(Will Take Requests)// Viktor x Yuri// Yuri!!!On iceWhere stories live. Discover now