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(AN: Guess who's back, doll face?)

Your Point of View:

There was nothing more relaxing than an evening in camp with your boyfriend. And when I say nothing, I wholeheartedly mean it.

There was just something in the way you two interacted that bewitched your mind and ensnared your senses.
Let's take this very moment, for example.

It was the slow decline of the day heading into the night, the colors of the sky fading and melting like candle wax on a white canvas. The light from the sunset poured into Jason's bedroom window, the embers of daylight slowly being snuffed out by stars and moonlight. It was quiet, quiet enough that you could hear every slow and steady breath he took.

The Zeus Cabin was never his favorite place, which you knew, but he claimed it was easier to sleep in if you were by his side. Of course, you had no objections.

One of his hands was holding the back of your head gently, his fingers tangled into its softness. Every now and then, his fingers would twitch and lightly rub the back of your head before falling back into stillness.

His other arm was curled around your waist firmly, pressing you flush against his chest as he laid on his side. His grip was strong, but relaxed. You could feel his muscles twitch every so often under your hands, which rested comfortably against his chest. His chest very lightly heaved up and down with his breaths, perfectly in sync with your own. Under your right hand, his heartbeat was steady. He was completely at ease.

Looking up at his face, you couldn't help but smile.
His eyes were shut behind a pair of thin-framed glasses, which sat terribly askew on the bridge of his nose.
He always forgot to take them off before bed. You swore you had to buy him a new pair every month because he'd roll over and crack them in his sleep.

His lips were parted very slightly, as to where you could feel small bursts of warmth on your forehead, along with the scent of spearmint toothpaste. And that little scar on his upper lip--oh, you just had to press a quick kiss to it.

Sadly, that seemed to have startled him from his peaceful nap.

When his eyes flickered open, you admired the sparkly (yet groggy) baby blue color. And then their immediate emanation of happiness in sight of you. His grip on you tightened as he shifted closer and yawned, pulling his arm out from under you to pull his glasses off and place them on the nightstand.

"I'm sorry, did I sleep too long?" He immediately inquired. His voice was soft and gentle, if not the slightest bit gravelly. "Or did I wake you? Was I snoring?"

You let out a light laugh. Oh, he was just too sweet. He was too considerate for his own good.
"I should be the one apologizing. I woke you up."

His sleepy, worried expression softened and spread into a lazy grin, his lips against your forehead as he spoke.
"A kiss from you isn't really a rude awakening, though."

His now free hand placed itself behind you, rubbing up and down your back slowly. After a while, he settled his hand on the small of your back and tugged you closer, resting his chin on the crown of your head.

"Now sleep with me, please?"

A smile eased its way onto your lips as you melted into his warm embrace, pressing a soft kiss to his throat and feeling it vibrate when he chuckled.
"Gladly, Superman."

You could hear a low hum of approval come from his chest as your eyes drifted shut. The moonlight poured in through his window. The flame of day was snuffed out with a final kiss on the top of your head.

There was nothing in the world that you'd trade for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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