19 | kiss

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C H A P T E R 1 9 | K A T I E

Dean had managed to steal my breath away and fall asleep all within the same minute, and as his breathing evened out, I was left wide awake.

My eyes were focused on the ceiling, the night air floating somberly around the room as I tried to process what had happened. The kiss wasn't what was bothering me, as it wasn't the first time it'd happened, but rather the fact that his actions had been completely effortless. I hadn't expected it and had frozen at his touch, but that hadn't stopped a shiver from running down my spine at the light friction he'd created. Even now, a dimmed tingling sensation lingered, and I found myself raising my hand to my mouth, running my fingers over the crevices of my lips that had captured a warmth that'd been missing before.

It was hard however, to decipher whether his intentions were true. Glancing over at the man beside me, he seemed peaceful in his state of rest, but that didn't stop a sinking feeling from settling over me. I wondered if he'd even meant to kiss me at all, or if it was just the result of him having a few too many drinks.

When I tried to close my eyes, it was as if time slowed down. The only thing I could see was a vivid replay of his lips on mine, and not just that night, but from months back, when I'd been vulnerable and had indulged in the bliss accompanied his kiss.

In the rush of it all, I'd forgotten to take my sleeping pill and had no clue as to when I'd finally been able to shut my brain off. The lack of sleep caught up with me the next morning however, as I was awoken by a shrill ringing just as the sun began to graze the horizon.

Lifting my head from my pillow, my vision still hazy, I tried quickly to locate the sound. It wasn't my alarm clock or my phone, but when I saw Dean's phone lighting up on my desk across the room, I rolled over to shoot him a look of annoyance. It faded quickly however, when I saw that he was sleeping right through the noise, a small smile on his lips as his chest rose and fell rhythmically.

Heaving a sigh, I inched out from underneath the covers, my bare feet cold against the floor as I made my way across the room. Just as I reached to shut the sound on his phone off, the ringing came to a halt, irking me slightly, but when it started up back up not even a minute later, I grabbed the phone quickly.


Biting my lip with indecision, I looked up to see that Dean was still very much asleep, and hoping that he didn't mind, I slipped out of the room, heading downstairs as I answered the call. Not able to get a word in before Zoe's voice flowed purposefully through the speaker, I heard her ask, "Has Ryan talked to you about renting your tux yet?"

Her words were rushed, "Sorry Zoe," I paused, "It's Katie." My voice was timid as I rounded the back of the couch, sitting down and tucking my legs beneath me. "Dean's actually sleeping."

I'd only met Zoe a few times, most of them during the stint Dean had had in the hospital after his accident but knowing she was engaged to his older brother made me feel somewhat at ease talking to her.

"Oh, sorry Katie," she replied, sounding a little surprised, though she masked it quickly. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's okay," I trailed, picking at a loose thread on my pajamas, "Though I'm not so sure Dean would've answered your call if I hadn't."

She chuckled. "I'm guessing he's gonna be a little hungover then when he wakes up," she stated with amusement, "Because that's the only time I've ever seen him sleep through anything."

"Probably," I mused, glancing back towards the staircase as though he'd suddenly appear.

"Well good luck with that," she said. "I'm sorry for calling so early. Ryan had an overnight shoot, so when he got home an hour ago, he ended up waking me up. But since I've got you, would you mind asking Dean to talk to his brother about his tux rental for May? I don't want to be worrying about that closer to the wedding, and knowing both of them, they'll likely put it off until the last minute."

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