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C H A P T E R 2 2 | D E A N

Stirring awake as the morning sunlight seeped into Katie's bedroom, I didn't have to open my eyes for a smile to form on my face – the memory of last night having invaded my dreams, and even now, still playing vividly in my mind.

After a particularly long Friday night shift, I'd been there to meet Katie as she stepped off the bus, walking back with her to her apartment as we'd planned to finally relax and unwind. With the end of term slowly creeping up on us, the both of us had been letting the stress of the situation get to us. There was only two weeks left of classes before exams started, and that left little time before things began to change and we were thrust into the real world.

The night had started as I'd expected, with a movie on the television and the two of us cuddled beneath a blanket on the couch. It had quickly taken a turn however, as one kiss turned into two and so on and so forth. We'd barely made it ten minutes into the movie before our hands were wandering and our mouths were moving feverishly against each other, at which time we'd vacated the couch in favour of the bedroom.

With our clothes shed, and our hearts beating wildly, our bodies were a tangle of limbs beneath the blankets, moving in sync as we created a rhythm all our own.

Now, as I rested peacefully beside her, my arm thrown over her bare waist with my fingers splayed out, I could feel her chest rising and falling at a steady pace, telling me that she was still very much asleep.

Undeterred and still unwilling to open my eyes, I inched closer to her. My knees pressed against the back of hers, the curve of her butt fit nicely against my hips, and I tilted my head so that it rested just above her shoulder. We fit together like a puzzle – one that I didn't want to take apart.

Settling back into the pillows, I allowed my breathing to slow down, eventually matching Katie's as I fell asleep once more. An hour later however, I stirred again. Blinking my eyes open to the rays of light streaming in through the window, my gaze immediately fell to Katie, who'd shifted in her sleep. She laid on her stomach now, her head tilted towards me, and it didn't take me long to notice that, as a result of her change in positions, the covers had slipped partially down both of our bodies. The blanket was bunched around her waist, exposing the milky skin of her bare back that seemed to enchant me. My fingers were drawn to her body immediately, tracing circles on her skin as I focused my attention to the bottom of her spine.

I moved forward, pressing my lips against the bare skin of her neck, and as I pulled back, I felt her slowly begin to squirm awake.

"Good morning," I muttered, my voice slightly scratchy and heavy with sleep. The pattern I was drawing had become more intricate, spreading every which way as the warmth of my fingertips met the chilled skin of her back.

She hummed in enjoyment, and as a low chuckle escaped my lips, her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning," she replied, smiling so wide it made her eyes gleam with happiness.

"You know I could get used to this."

"Yeah?" She quirked an eyebrow, turning onto her side, exposing herself as she rested her palm against my chest. "Which part?"

The look in her eyes told me she knew exactly what she was doing to me, and as enticing as she was, I didn't let my gaze drop from hers as I pulled her tight against me. "The part where I wake up to the most beautiful girl in the world."

Saying exactly the right thing had its benefits, and as Katie leaned in to kiss me, I happily obliged, letting her take the lead as her tongue slipped slyly between my lips. It was the perfect morning kiss, languid and effortless, her hands weaving up to pull gently at my hair.

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