gray skies

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"Mr. Tomlinson are you awake?"
"I'm coming in Mr. Tomlinson."
"Oh harry I didn't know you were he-"
she dropped here clipboard and lou's pills and screamed.
"Doctor we need a doctor! Harry move! I need you to move!"
so many people rushed into our room.
too many people.
louis is claustrophobic.
I need them to leave.

they'll scare him.

"no! no! no! leave us alone!"
I screamed
and screamed
until everyone but the doctor left the room.

"Please, please, please, leave, leave, leave! leave us alone! leave us alone!"

I hear the doctor sigh.

Sighing is bad.


"Harry Tomlinson, correct?"
I nod holding on tight to my lou as tears stream down my face.

"Um, Mr. Tomlinson, I know this may be difficult-"

"No! Your lying your all liars! We don't like liars! Oh lou we promised, we promised, we promised..."

"Harry. He's gone. He's dead and not coming back. I'm sorry, I really am I know it's hard. I'm going to need you to leave the room soon though so we can take care of everything."

The liar left.

I sit up in the hospital bed and stare down at my lou looking nice even in the smelly paper robe. I throw the thin blanket to the floor and quickly wipe my tears from my face. I look down at his face and trace my fingers over his blue lips once again, the colour his eyes once were before they became gray. I look from his lips , to his cold cute nose, to his blank eyes that are staring off into space like there's something great in front of him that only he can see.

I stroke his once amazingly soft hair with my free hand and give up on trying to dry my tears.

"lou, my lou, harry, your harry, I know we promised. I know, I know, I know, you hate broken promises and I do too but I... I don't think they're going to let us stay together lou.
lou they're making me break our promise! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm mean, so so mean. I'm stupid and clumsy and bratty and selfish but I can't help it! I love you so much!"

I scream out all the things running through my brain so they come out a jumbled mess of emotions and shattered thoughts.

"lou you promised too you know? you fucking promised and you left me? you left me so fucking soon!, and a couple days after our anniversary? all by myself. what do I do lou? what the fuck am I supposed to do?! your my everything lou. your the love of my life! my first and only love forever, and you'll always be in my heart. we've done everything together... lou your-your...

you are my sunshine,
my o-only sunshine,
lou you make me happy
when sky's are gray,
you'll never know how,
how much I love you,
don't take my sunshine away..."


he loves me
and I him.

Louis William Tomlinson pronounced dead December 27, 2016 time of death is approximately 9:57 pm.

broken promise // l.s.// short story// completed Where stories live. Discover now