One, Two, Three, Four... Four Siblings

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Ice-chan back~ Sorry for the wait... I haven't been in the best mood lately. I'll try my best! On to the story...

The two admirals loomed closer. 

"Luffy. Be careful. He's a logia type so avoid touching him. If you have to, use one of my daggers," Sabishii said. "Remember what I thought you?"

 Luffy nodded, clutching the seastone dagger, making a few well executed swings. 

"Ne, ne, Shii! Sabo and Ace will be safe, un?" 

"Of course" 

Saying it out loud reassured the two inside, although it didn't show on the outside. Both of the younger siblings were nervous. They breathed in, dashing forward. Sabishii twisted her body, avoiding some sloppy attacks made by several marines. 

Both were intimidating in their own right. Sabishii in her cloak and Luffy in his tattered clothes. Sabishii made many marines scatter at the sight of her. None of the marines or pirates had seen her face yet or knew her name. She made a brief glance to her side. 

Luffy was breathing heavily. The hormones injected in him wouldn't last much longer, and looking at his condition, he was barely holding on. Seeing a certain okama, she signaled at him. He nodded at her message. 

The two teens were amidst the battle. Sabo and Ace were already locked in battle. Ace was not in a good condition. He was starting to get weak from the time he spent in seastone cuffs. Sabo was slightly better, but not by much. His blonde hair was matted down with sweat. She knew they would not last much longer. 

Ivanov moved now. Dashing through the battle, he headed in the direction of Luffy.  Luffy was moving sluggishly, the raven teen was shaky. As he began to fall, Shii caught him. She pressed a kiss to his fore head and handed him to the purple haired okama behind them. 

Luffy bolted with indignation. 

"Shii!" Her confident stride faltered at his voice, sounding heartbroken. She pressed on, heading for Akainu. The general seemed to blaze past the marines, keeping his focus on her. Her black hair swung around, strands out of place. Her purple eyes narrowed and she started sprinting. 


Ace and Sabo were struggling. They had the upper hand, but was weary due to fatigue. Ace couldn't handle much longer, the seastone drained most of his power. He wasn't recovered, yet he still fought. Both of them fought well, each used to the other's way of fighting. They filled in holes which the other left. 

Suddenly, a flash caught Aokiji's attention. This was the moment they both needed. Ace threw a fiery flame, Aokiji turning to block it. His attention was diverted, letting Sabo land a strong blow with his seastone staff. The ice devil fruit user staggered. The flame head moved, managing to hit him in the neck, successfully knocking the general out. 

The two brothers looked ready to collapse, looking for their little siblings. Sabishii was heading for Akainu, her black cloak flying behind her. Luffy was being carried away, almost to the Whitebeard's ship. 

"Go to the ship, Ace," Sabo said, firmly. Ace looked ready to protest, when he stumbled, looking faint. He was about to open his mouth, but was but off by Sabo. 

"You can watch Luffy. He needs you." Ace was left wordless at that. There was no way he could protest to that. He swallowed and nodded. With that, the two brothers split ways. 

Sorry guys. I know I haven't updated in a long time. I've been struggling with school and things. I will try my best to update more frequently. Thanks for reading my story so far~

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