I Need You : 1

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I Need You Part.1


She was beautiful as she stood in front of the fridge wearing James’ shirt; it reached a little above her thighs. It was leaving nothing to the imagination. Her long blonde hair cascaded down to the middle of her back. She had some nice legs; toned but very feminine. Her small body was swimming in James’ shirt.

James you lucky bastard, I thought as I pushed off the door frame and walked over to the breakfast bar.

“Hey, can you pass me the apple juice?” I said as I reached over to tap her shoulder. I tried not to laugh when she jump a little.

“Sure,” the beauty handed me the apple juice and smiled at me. At least it looked like she was smiling, but I could be mistaken as she looked me up and down. I could feel her eyes burning themselves on my skin, and it was making me a little uncomfortable. Her eyes ran down my strong arms and to my semi six pack abdomen, and then stopped when she saw that I was wearing Homer pajamas and slippers.

The beauty rolled her eyes and looked me in the eyes, “and you are?”

Nice, first she checks me out and now she asks who I am. Shouldn’t she have started with my name and then look me up and down? Ugh what am I saying!

“I’m Derek, James’ roommate.” I stretched my hand to shake hers, but she never offered it so I dropped mine.

Her brow rose as she looked at me one more time and she crossed her arms over her chest; looking a bit uncomfortable.

“Let me guess, James didn’t mention I was home. Don’t worry; I didn’t hear anything that went down last night. I sleep like a log and I had my headphones on.” I smiled at her in a friendly manner but she didn’t budge. James should have told her that I would be home.

“No, James didn’t mention that you were gay,” she said looking at me up and down with a disapproving look on her face. As soon as that look registered it vanished.

My mouth dropped as I looked at her in a ‘what the hell’ kind of way. A minute ago she was practically checking me out, and now she was… disgusted?

The girl, who’s name I still didn’t know, turned around and fished the ingredients for French toast out of the fridge; her back to me the entire time.

“I’m Jackie. I’m sure James has mentioned me. We work together at the practice.” Jackie said, glancing over her shoulder at me; giving me the once over from head to toe, again, before turning back to the fridge.

“Of course,” I lied, “well, I have to get ready, it was nice meeting you.” I nodded to Jackie as I walked back to my room.

The truth was that so many girls parade themselves in the house that I had lost track of their names in the short two months that I’ve been living here. I didn’t say anything to James because he looked happy with his way of life. Deep down I know that if James murdered someone, that I would cover for him. It all came down to one single yet complicated reason; I’m in love with my best friend. I would forgive him pretty much everything despite how much I might disapprove. Damn, unrequited love hurt like a bitch.

Why did I end up living in the house of the man I love? Well it’s because I can’t stand cheaters. I work at a research lab and my schedule is too complicated that sometimes it feels like I can’t have both a good job and a relationship. Adam, my boyfriend of almost two years, is the man responsible for my lack of confidence on the whole relationship department.

Adam and I would have our arguments and whatnot due to my long hours at work, but we always solved things with sex. At least I thought we were solving things. Everything changed since the day I came home from work and found him fucking some random slut in our bed. I heard the moans from outside the room and felt sick to my stomach and when I opened the door my jaw hit the floor. It caught me by surprise for two reasons; one because he was cheating on me, and two because he was cheating on me with a girl.

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