I Need You : 2

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I Need You Part.2 


Many people think that because I work at a research lab that I don’t have friends. It’s true that I’m awkward around new people, but I relax quickly and actually have a good time. So don’t let appearances deceive you.

Brenda, my best girl friend, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. I love dancing and she was my partner at every party we went to. We were at Club Lucky Seven and I had argued at first because James and Jackie were going to be here, but after Karen, one of James’ ex, convinced me I actually started having fun. Not to mention that Karen had brought her cousin with her, who by the way happens to be single and ready to mingle; if you know what I mean.

“So how come I haven’t seen you before?” Tony, short for Anthony, asked me as he traced his fingertips down my back. Brenda had left me on the dance floor so Anthony, Karen’s cousin, had come to keep me company.

Anthony was cute, not hot and sexy but cute. He had spiky brown hair and chocolate eyes. He was a bit taller than me, but not that much to notice a difference. Tony was wearing a tight v-neck shirt that showed off his defined abdomen. He smelled good, like cologne mixed with natural scent.

“I haven’t hanged around with Karen in a while,” I shrugged as I continued dancing. I kept on noticing little things about him, but also found myself comparing him to James. Like the way he smelled. It was a mixture between ocean and sweetness. I didn’t like it very much since I was used to James’ scent; all man.

He kept asking me things and getting a bit too touchy for my liking, so I left him in the dance floor. I could feel his eyes burning themselves on my ass but I didn’t turn around.

“So, what do you think about Tony?” Karen winked at me as she handed me my vodka. Unlike many people think, gay men do not drink fruity drinks. Well, not in my case at least.

Brenda giggled along with Addison, my other friend who had just arrived to the club, and they shook their heads.

“What is it?” Karen asked really confused and a bit annoyed.

I sighed, “He’s trying too hard, sweetie. Maybe if he toned down the groping, then I would think about it.” I tried not to laugh as Karen looked over at Tony on the dance floor, who had his hands on a twink’s ass.

“Oh,” was all she said.

After five vodkas I decided it was time to head home. I really didn’t want to bump into James and his date here. I get a little too crazy when I’m drunk and I was already half way there. I wanted to spare me some dignity so I said my goodbyes.

“Aw, we have to hang out again, soon!” Addison hugged me and Brenda slapped my butt. She’s jealous that I can look good in tight jeans.

As I was making my way to the door, someone stopped me and I groaned.

“Hey, Derek, you ok?” James looked a little concerned but tried to hide it behind his dashing smile.

I shrugged off his hand as I felt myself getting annoyed, “why wouldn’t I be, James?”

He raised a brow and that’s when I noticed Jackie. She was standing a little to the side, but I could feel her eyes on me. If looks could kill I would be six feet under and she would be in jail for gay bashing.

“I’m heading home already, so no need to worry.”

“You heard him, James,” Jackie wrapped her arm around James’ neck and pulled him down to her level. She looked at me as she kissed him and I couldn’t help but glare.

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