C H 2 P T E R

531 19 11

|| Kang Xiyeon ||

"Taehyungie Oppa!!"

"Kyahh! Why so handsome!"

"How can someone be so hot?"

"Look at those eyes! If only those could look at me."

What the in the world of squeezing mustard---

Hearing the same things for like a billion times for the day, you annoyingly scoffed as you made your way through a bunch of somewhat like squealing potatoes. Listening to them shouting nonsense stuffs was the least thing that you would want to do. You attended school to learn meaningful stuff, well that's what the smarty ones always say.

You only attended school because your parents wanted you to.

Anyway, you were finally away from the living potatoes. Silently walking in the hallway, observing students who's chatting about stuffs and projects. Some are even getting art materials from their lockers which you assume is for projects or such. What the hell.

People these days are no fun.

You either focus your mind on your laptop or stay still on bed rather than do things for what they call grades. You'all don't need that dumbshit.

Well. You at-least, don't.

Grades doesn't show who we are, it just shows what you can achieve and stuffs so, who needs that right? Well maybe they do but you don't.

Oh god can someone snap me out from eavesdropping so much.

Mentally slapping yourself, you make sure to remind yourself not to bother others doings. Not that it's not right or what. You just don't give a damn.

Moving on, you walk past your next class and continue your way to the music rooms. Nobody knew but you actually play the piano. Not that someone knew you enough to know your stuffs, also not really planning on telling that to others though. You slowly open the door, creating some creaking sounds. You walk in and closed the door behind you before proceeding to the middle of the room, where the piano is placed. The walls are actually mirrors, since sometimes, music rooms are used for the dance groups or whatsoever. Letting your bag fall from your shoulder, you placed it on the floor making it slide at the mirror. You made your way to the piano and slightly clean the dusts off. It doesn't really bother you that much so you just sat on the chair then lay your fingers on the keys.

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