C H 4 P T E R

420 14 6

|| Kang Xiyeon || 

"... ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine .... one hundred! Thank you very much for bringing this!" A smile appeared on your face. You slightly bowed at the librarian before walking away, trying to be casual. After walking out of the library, you loudly groaned. You arrived early in this school so that you can sleep longer than usual, not to be slaved around by lazy living beings. Classes are already starting, making you mentally roll your eyes. You shouldn't have agreed to that man's orders.


Walking silently, your head slightly nod along with the music you're currently listening to. Only a small amount of students are found in the hallways which is good in your opinion. You 'obviously' don't like to be bothered by an unknown someone and stuffs at the moment.

"kkeuteopsi yeongyeoldwae dasi~ can't live without you~" You silently sang along the last part.

Suddenly, you felt some tap on your shoulder. You stop your tracks and looked at your side, only to find Mr. Na. You removed your right earbud and waited for him to speak.

"Xiyeon-shi, Can you please help me bring the books to the library?? It's supposed to be another student's job but apparently, I can't find him anywhere and since you're already here, can you please...?" Mr. Na politely asks.

'What's with teacher's asking me to do injustice stuffs today.' You thought as you mentally face palmed.

"Okay Mr. Na. Imma go help you bring those stuffs." You faked smiled then he flashed you a grin.

"Thank you so much! I'll give you plus points for the upcoming project." He excitedly said then your eyes slightly widen.

"What proje-"   "Bye!!"

'That old man! Ugh. Now I have to do this. This is child abuse. Well, more like teenage abuse.'

*end of flashback*

So, yeah. That's the story behind the injustice act.

The bell already rang for like, twenty minutes ago which means that you're probably late for the first class but oh well. Not really a big deal in your opinion. Taking a step, you soon found yourself walking pass every classroom in the fourth floor. Slightly looking from left to right, you found some students looking at you before whispering something to their seatmates. 

Asking why I'm not in class I suppose.

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