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Ben spent a few days in the hospital ward. He felt a bit scared when Hoodie came over with Masky right behind him, heading straight to Ben's bed. Ben gulped, preparing for accusations and threats to fly towards him, but instead, hoodie sat on the side of the elf's bed. He placed a hand on Ben's knee.
"Ben," Hoodie said in his deep, quiet voice, "I want you to know that I don't blame you. I know you've been feeling guilty. It's not your fault, okay? None of it is."
Ben looked at the tall boy and smiled.
"Thanks Hoodie," he breathed, tension falling from his stiff shoulders. Masky ruffled Ben's hair and the two proxies left the bedside, headed towards Toby, who had barely left the hospital since he found out about the incident. Ben watched as Toby quickly fell into step between Masky and Hoodie. Ben laughed and shook his head. Toby was so eager to grow up. He heard a sound from the other side of the room. It was Eyeless Jack, mask absent and his grey skin contrasting against the white walls. He walked over to Ben, wiping his hands on his blue hoody. He had been filling in for Dr Smiley, since he had the best human body and medication knowledge of the rest of the Creepypastas.
"How's Smiley?" Asked Ben shakily. Jack tilted his head at the younger boy and smiled gently.
"He's grieving. Anne was more than just an assistant, or a friend to him. He can't let her go just yet. He'll come around. He'll be okay." Jack paused, and looked at Ben thoughtfully. "You know, your probably well enough to leave the hospital now. Go on, Sally has been nagging to see you for days. Maybe you guys can go and see Jason?"
Ben nodded and quickly slipped off his thin paper hospital gown, and into some clean clothes. He put on a pair of black jeans, a green hoody, and green converse, grabbing a green beanie and slipping it over his pointy ears. He ran out the door before Jack could change his mind.

Ben found Sally in her room, sitting on her plush bed and gazing forlornly at an old teddy that seemed to be falling apart. Ben snuck into the room, and jumped into the bed, wrapping his arms around Sally. Sally squealed, wriggling to get out. As soon as she saw Ben's cheeky face, she squealed again, this time throwing her slim arms around his neck.
"Ben! Slendyman said you were hurt! Are you okay?" She asked, tears brimming in her wide green eyes. Ben smiled comfortingly.
"I'm fine, see? Not even a scratch on me!" Sally giggled and wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands.
"Slendy wouldn't let me see you," she said, looking at the floor. "He wouldn't even tell me if you were okay."
Ben smiled at her.
"Well I'm here now, telling you that I'm perfectly fine!"
The corner of Sally's mouth twitched up.
"100 percent?" She asked.
"100 percent." Ben said, kissing the top of her head in a brotherly way.
"Eyeless suggested we should go and see Jason The Toymaker is your up for it?" Ben offered. Sally's eyes lit up.
"Yes! I want to see Jason! And Mr Snuggles needs fixing," she said, holding up the old bear. Ben grinned and grabbed Sally's hand, racing her down towards the underground tunnels, way below the house. Ben expertly led Sally through the dark twisted tunnels, before they came to a thin, blue door. Ben looked at Sally, and she stepped up and knocked quietly on the blue painted wood. The door slowly swung inwards. Ben and Sally exchanged an excited grin, and climbed through the door.

When they stepped into the other side, Ben gasped out loud at the magical beauty. Toys, enormous toys, filled the large cavernous room. He could feel a tingle of the toy makers magic as he followed Sally down towards a brightly lit corner, which was full of floating fairy lights and thousands of stuffed toys. And there, right in the middle, was the toy maker himself. A top hat sat upon his long, bright red hair, and he was wearing a long black tailcoat adorned with feathery shoulders over a red waistcoat and ruffled white undershirt that could be seen from the top of the red waistcoat. He wore large black pirate boots and a deadly sharp saw hung from his belt, and his arms where black until his elbows, the fingers ending in sharp talon like nails. He had three black lines running down from his eyes.
"Sally!" He cried, flinging his arms out wide to scoop Sally up in a large hug. Sally giggled and wrapped her arms around him.
"Jason! Mr Snuggles is broken. Ben brought me to ask you if you can fix him?"
Jason smiled over at Ben. "Well you came to the right place Ben!"
Still carrying Sally, Jason walked over to a large metal workbench, and placed the unstuffed teddy on the surface. Then he bent down to place Sally beside Ben.
"You two run and play with Mr Glutton and Liquorice can come and keep an eye on you." He held his black hand out, and a small, black, electronic mouse slide down from the feathers on his shoulders. It squeaked, and jumped from the toy makers hand to Ben's shoulder. Ben scratched the machines soft fur, and ran to follow Sally, who was chasing a large purple snake-like stuffed toy with large bulging eyes and patchwork spots along its' body. Sally and Ben played with the magical toys for an hour, chasing them and playing hide and seek, until Jason called them over again.
"Children! Come and see!" He called.
Ben and Sally rushed over to find Jason holding a soft, fluffy, cuddly looking teddy in his arms. It was almost unrecognisable as the one Sally had brought in.
"Mr Snuggles! You fixed him! Thank you Jason!" Sally cried, reaching up to take the bear. Jason patted her hair affectionately.
"I gave him a good wash and caring for," he told Sally. "You two best be off now, I have some business to attend to. Goodbye sweet Sally. Goodbye Ben!" And with that, the toy maker disappeared into his workshop, the little black mechanical mouse following close after. Sally and Ben were led by Mr Glutton to the bright blue door. Sally gave the stuffed snake a big hug, and then Ben helped her through the blue door.

Once they left the dank tunnels, Sally grabbed Ben's hand, pulling him towards her room. On the way, they bumped into Jeff, who was just emerging from the bathroom, smelling like coconut. Ben raised an eyebrow at the killer, who smirked and shrugged. Sally squealed.
"Jeffy! Come on, come and play!" She said, grabbing Jeff's hand. Jeff rolled his eyes.
"Sally, do I have to?" He complained. Sally pouted and crossed her arms, stamping her foot on the floor.
"If you don't I will tell Slendy that you are being mean to me!"
Jeff glanced at Ben, who hid a smile. Jeff huffed.
"Fiiiine!" He said grudgingly, drawing out the word. Sally's grin popped back onto her face.
"Yay! Come on then!" She squealed, pulling the boys along to her room, and shutting and locking the door behind them. Ben gulped at the sound of the lock click, and shared a terrified look with Jeff, who was standing as close to the door as he could. This was not going to be fun, but it was going to be embarrassing. Ben could remember the last time Sally locked Ticci Toby and Eyeless Jack in her room for 2 hours...
Sally ran over to her little beauty stand.
"Now, time for a makeover..."

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