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Ben opened his eyes to find himself back in his room. He still felt slightly feverish, but a lot better than the previous night. He rubbed his eye with a fist and yawned. Something rustled beside him. He glanced to the left of his bed, to find Jeff, Sally and Slenderman standing there. Well, Jeff and Slender were, Sally was asleep in Slenders arms. Ben smiled at the little pink sleeping figure, then looked at Jeff. His friend was slightly bruised, showing signs of the fight. But other than a couple of scrapes, he looked okay.
"Ben, how are you feeling?" Slenderman said, breaking the silence. Ben stared at the faceless figure.
"I'm fine, I think I was just exhausted," Ben replied. Jeff nudged his shoulder fondly.t
"You scared us buddy," he said, seemingly unfazed, but Ben could hear the slight tremor in the older boy's deep voice, letting Ben know that the killer really was worried about him. He smiled.
"I'm okay, really!"
At that moment, Sally stirred in Slenderman's arms. She stretched her tttarms above her head, yawning and cracking her joints. She looked around and noticed Ben, sitting in bed and staring at her with a cheeky smile on his face.
"Benny!" She shrieked, squirming in Slender's arms until the entity let her down. Then she ran over to Ben, throwing her arms around him. Ben shook with laughter.
"Sally, why are you so excited?" He asked quizzically. Sally grinned, showing small, white, perfect teeth.
"Because now you can play with me!" She yelled, grabbing his hand and tugging him to the edge of the bed. Ben laughed, and Jeff joined in too. Finally. Everything was back to normal.

Authors note.
This story is now finished! I can't believe it! Please check out my other stories: 'I've finally found where I belong... with the killer's' (Ticci-Toby), and 'Murderous Love' (Eyeless Jack X Jane). I am also going to write a story about Sally next. It will be set slightly like a diary, but a bit different.
Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy my stories!

~ 9InSaNiTy6 out! Xoxo ~

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