Murder and Electricity

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(Authors note)
Listening to The Message Man by Twenty One Pilots! This song is really good for this chapter, so please listen to it while you read!

Ben woke early the next day. He yawned, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands, stretching his arms about his head. The house was silent in the weak, early morning sun rays. The atmosphere was peaceful and quiet. Ben smiled. Suddenly, his bedroom door crashed open, revealing Jeff, head still bandaged and a crazy grin on his face. Ben shrieked and threw himself backwards. This caused him to topple off the bed, landing on a small pile of cushions and broken electronics.
"Ow," he complained, pulling a piece of monitor out from beneath him. Jeff grabbed his hand and pulled the smaller boy up to his feet so fast that Ben almost crashed into the killer's chest.
"Jeff!" Ben shouted, jumping back. Jeff laughed and grabbed Ben's wrist, tugging him along.
"Come on!" He whined childishly. "Lets go kill!" Ben rolled his eyes.
"Jeff, I just woke up, give me a minute!"
Jeff just whined impatiently and pulled at Ben's sleeve. Ben laughed and gave in, following Jeff downstairs, after tugging an oversized, dark green hoody over his head, tugging it down over his plain black shirt and slipping on his matching pair of converse.

A little while later, after a small, rushed breakfast, Ben found himself running alongside Jeff through the forest. He puffed and gasped as he stifled to keep up with the older killer's long strides.
"Jeff- wait... up!" He panted. Jeff slowed down slightly for the struggling elf. Finally after a few hours or running, they reached a small, darkened street on the edge of the quiet town. Jeff drew his hood up over his head, hiding his face. Ben pulled his own green hood up over his face, hiding his red and black eyes and pointy elf ears. The sky had begun to get dark. Had they really taken that long to get here? Ben flinched when the orange street lamp flickered on. Jeff nudged Ben to start walking. With their hoods over their heads, covering their tell-tale features, the pair was able to walk undetected along the path. Ben shivered as a cold breeze ruffled his blonde hair off his face. Jeff glanced over at him, eyes just visible through his own shoulder length, black hair.
"Cold?" He asked.
Ben shrugged and tried to stop his shivering. Jeff ducked his face as a group teenagers approached from the opposite direction.
"Don't worry, it's not too much further."
Ben lowered his eyes as the teens came closer. It was evident they were drunk off their faces. The group were shoving each other and swearing loudly. A couple of them had their arms around each other's shoulders, the girls' brushing their hair behind their ears as the guys whispered things to them. Ben heard Jeff hiss beside him. He glanced over to see his friend reach into his pocket, most likely reaching for his precious knife. Ben elbowed the older boy warningly. Jeff glanced at the elf as he slowly dropped his hand. Ben exhaled. The teens were almost face to face with the Creepypastas. Finally the drunken teens noticed the opposition. Slowly, they began to size up the small kid and the older boy in front of them. One extremely drunk boy stepped up.
"Who are you?" He taunted, "Some emo wannabe and his little gay boyfriend?" The drunk idiots laughed, pushing closer to Ben and Jeff, who said nothing, only gave the teens cold glares. The girls laughed and kept walking, leaving the pair alone with about 5 or 6 guys. The guys formed a circle around Ben and Jeff. Ben turned slightly so his back was against Jeff's. Jeff smirked.
"So," he called out, "you want to play this game do you?" The drunk guys only laughed harder.
"The only game we will be playing is football with your head after we're done smashing it in!" One called out. Jeff shrugged and looked at Ben.
"Think we can handle them, Benny?" He asked unfazed. This time it was Ben's turn to smirk.
"Hell yeah."
The stupid teenage boys looked at each other.
"What, a skinny little wannabe emo loser and a scrawny little kid? As if!"
Jeff just pushed back his hood, revealing his terrible smile. The boy's gasped, and stepped back in shock. Ben reached up and pulled back his own hood, revealing his black eyes with glowing red pupils and pointy ears. Suddenly, while the teens were stupefied, Jeff sprung, tackling the closest boy to the ground, his knife appearing in his hand. Ben spun around to catch another boy's head in his hands as he charged towards Ben. Electricity crackled as Ben sent volts through the boy's brain. The smell of burning hair and flesh reached Ben's nose as the now bright red boy began screaming. As Ben laughed, the boy's eyeballs melted in his eye sockets, running down his face like tears. His skin began to blacken and peel, revealing the red muscle underneath, which also began to char. Ben dropped the lifeless body to the ground and looked around for another victim. He saw Jeff on top of a thin, tall guy, and another one standing over Jeff, holding him in a chokehold as the killer tried in vain to slice the throat of the one beneath him. Ben was there in a flash, placing both hands on the large boy's spine and sending electricity running up his spine into every nerve, causing the boy to spasm and release Jeff. Jeff quickly slit the teens throat and turned to the one Ben was paralysing. He laughed and leaned towards the boy.
"Who's the weak one now?" He sneered. "I think you should go to sleep."
He nodded at Ben, who sent a huge wave through the boy's body, stopping his heart immediately. Ben looked around. There was the boy who Jeff had attacked first, the boy Ben had charred, and the two they had just killed together. Where was the last one? He frowned at Jeff.
"Leave him," he said. "He will probably think he was just drink and having hallucinations."
Ben nodded, but felt uneasy. He didn't like letting eyewitnesses go. He shivered. God, I feel like I'm gonna pass out.
Jeff noticed the small boy shudder and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Come on, lets go home," he said. Ben nodded, feeling his vision blur. The next thing he knew, he was being scooped up into Jeff's arms and carried through the forest. Ben snuggled into Jeff's chest, feverish and delirious. Then he blacked out.

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