Chapter 7

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2 days later.

"We're here!!" I smiled as I got out of the car,"Yay!!" the kids ran out,I helped Jake out,and headed inside,I went and wrapped my arms around Joe and kissed him passionately."I will always..chose you." he looked me in the eyes,I smiled and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"MOM!! DADD!!! SKYLAR ISN'T SHARING!!" Audrey yelled,we pulled away,we headed inside,"Shh!!!! Amber is taking a nap!" I crossed my arms,"Mom,Sky doesn't want to share a room with me!!" Audrey whined,"Skylar you have to share the room with your sister for a few days. Jacob is sharing a room with Mason."

"Ugh,fine." Skylar sighed,"Sissy!!" Amber came downstairs,"Hey Amber." I smiled and hugged her,"This is my ex husband,Joe. He came to help us." I told her,"It's nice to meet you,Joe." Amber smiled,"Your room are upstairs." she smiled,We carried our suitcases upstairs,"Wow,it's a big room." I dropped my suitcases,"Glad we got the upstairs room." Joe smirked as he nibbled on my ear. I laughed,"Shhh...stop." I pulled away.

"Hey,any of you want to go swimming?" Chase,Amber's husband walked in,"I'll go,let me changed." Joe said and he got out his swimming trunk,he changed and headed out. I started unpacking and putting my stuff in drawers,I glanced out the window and caught myself staring as Joe shirtless,he has a body now.

He jumped in and I watching,then he climbed back in,"It's freaking cold!!" he yelled and I looked way when I saw him,I looked away,"Dude!! Why would we go swimming in JANUARY!? Definitely in the smokies!!" Chase laughed. I giggled.

Joe ran upstairs,"I hate Chase." he said and changed his clothes,I laughed,"You're an idiot." I laughed,then he came to me and pecked my lips. "Aunt Demi!!" Bri ran in,I pulled away,"Bri!!" I picked her up and spun her around.

"Weee!!" she giggled and I put her down,she then ran out. Joe was on the bed,flipping through channels on tv,"Look High School Musical is on." he smiled."We're all in this together." I sang,"You suck dick." he sang quietly,"What dick?" I giggled,he just glared and started unzipping his pants,"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I widen my eyes.

"Showing my dick." he smirked,"Dude,I've seen it,stop." I laughed,"I know." he started laughing while zipping his pants. Suddenly his phone rang,"Hold on." he said and answered it,"Hello?" 

I sat down next to him,stroking his soft dark hair,"I'm sorry!! I'll get a flight right away,don't have that baby without me,I'm on my way." Joe hung up and started packing,"I have to go..Chelsea is in labor." he sighed,"Oh no.." I gasped,"I'm sorry..I really wanted to come,but Chelsea needs me..I love you." Joe kissed the top of my head and headed downstairs to say goodbye to the kids,I laid on the bed and sighed.

I dialled up Selena,"Hello?" she answered,I then hung up. I decided not to tell her,"AUNT DEMI COME PWAY A SONG FOR US!" Bri yelled,I laughed and headed downstairs,I sat on the piano and started playing.

"Let it go, let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, let it go

Turn my back and slam the door" I smiled.

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,

Not a footprint to be seen.

A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.

The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside.

Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried."

I finished the song,"You have a beautiful voice,mom..I wanna be just like you when I get way older." Audrey smiled,I hugged her,"Thanks..but no you don't...I've had a hard journey to get where I am...You know your father broke up with me becaue he found out I was self harming...but Selena begged me to go to rehab when I was 18...I was so sick.." I told them.

Suddenly,Joe grabbed my hand and intertwined it. He was looking at our hands,then he looked down at my wrists..he sees the the cuts..on my wrist."Demi..." "No." "Are you cutting?" I didn't answer that last question.

He sits up on my bed."Demi,answer me." "YES,I CUT!" I charged at him. He just ignored it." Why?" Now he wants to know why..REALLY!? "That's my business."  I said back. He gets up from my bed and started putting his clothes on.

"Wait,where you going?" "Since you're not telling me..why should I stay?.." He looked at me. "Because.. I love you and yesterday..we made love,because you love me.Are you really getting mad at me because I self harm?" I spoke out.

"Demi, I can't deal with this right now.." he said then he finally got his last button on his shirt buttoned."It's over." He looked at me and then he heads to the door.

"Joe.." I get out of the bed and I put on my robe and run after him,"Joe,please!! Don't do this,PLEASE!" I pleaded. "Sorry Demi." He said then he shuts the door. I scream and then I slide down the door crying."Please Joe...please." Crying my eyes out.[Chapter 11 of LMLYD]

"It's right to me,I'm perfectly fine." I admitted. Suddenly she heads to my room."Hey! What are you doing?" I said." Packing for you." Selena starts throwing stuff in my suitcase. "Why!?!?!" I asked scared." I don't want my best friend to die...not now..not this age. I'm taking you to a treatment center."[Chapter 12 of LMLYD]

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