Saying Good Byes

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{This is During World War III. All  of the things that are currently going on in Bleach are now over. Toshiro is now about the size of a 16 year boy.}

[Toshiro Hitsugaya]

"Toshiro, I have an assignment that I think you might like." Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, the head captain,  had called me to see him. It must be important for him to send a captain on.

"What is it?" I didn't care what it was. I never wanted to be a soul reaper any way.  I had too or my Grandmother would have died.

"I would like you to go and live among the living. You can not worry about any of your soul reaper responsibilities. I just need you to gather some information about the living. Of course you will have to have less spirtiual preasure so I would like you wear this," He held out a chain that was to be wore around your neck, "It will lower your spirtiual preasure and make you already be in a gegi when you arrive there.   I will send Your lieutentat to get you when I need you. "

I couldn't belive what I was hearing. I would live with the living, not have to worry about soul society or hallows or anything like that. This is wonderful!

"Of course." I tried to hide my enthusiasm."I will go perpare immediatly." With that I left the room."

"Captain. What was that about?"  Rangiku, of course, showed up not to long after I was told about my mission.

"Matsumoto, Why are you in my room?" I was just siting there. I wasn't planing to takeanything with me besides Hyorinmaru, my zanpakto.

"To find out why the head captian called you." I shock my head.

"I am leaveing for a bit that is all. why do you care?" She push her light orange hair out of her face. She gave me her pouty look.

"Because you are my captain. Well, thats all I wanted to know. I have to go shoping before the stores close so Bye." With that she left.

I only had two other people to say bye to before I left.

I walked around the Seireitei. When I finally found who I was looking for she was talking to someone. So I did what I always did. I hide behind her faceing the other direction.

When the person left I terrified her. I am kindof glad I can still do this, and that I haven't grown too tall.

"Finally! I thought He would never leave." Momo shreaked and swirled around. I turned around in time to see her freaked out face. This never got old.

"Don't do that!!!" I smirked.

"I wanted to let you know that I am leaveing for a bit to the worldof the living." She stopped freaking out.

"Your leaving?" I nodded.

"Don't worry I will let you know the moment I get back. Before matsumoto, If she doesn't find me first." She smiled.

"Ok. But promise that you will becareful and safe." I smiled slightly. I can't remember ever truely smiling. Not even for my childhood friend, Momo Hinimori, and my grandmother.

"I promise. I have to go day bye to grandmother. I will see you when I get back." I waved as I walked off toward the gate out of the Seireitei. 

I hadn't been home in ages. I kind of missed it.

"Grandmother! I'm home!" I walked up to the door.

"Toshiro!" The elderly lady came out. "I ahve missed you! " 

"You to grandmother. " I gave her a hug.

"How's Momo these days? Are you still in love with her?" She looked at me.

"Momo is fine. I came back to tell you I am going to the world of the living. I will let you know when I get back." I ignored her other qeustion. 

"Just be careful. I would hate it if something happened to you." I nodded. "And try to enjoy yourself for once."

"I will try if it makes you happy." I was just going to try to fit in but I didn't it would work. "I have to leave now." 

"Ok. Good bye." I walked off the porch.

"Good Bye."

I created the door that led to the world of the living that only soulreapers could us, and walked through it. 

When I cam out in to the worl of the living there was a huge what appered to be a battle going on. I had know that there was World war III going on.

I was already in a gegi, so I just started to walk toward the  fight.  I was slow hoping no one would notice.

The next thing I knew there where four loud sounds from behind me. Then I feel a horrible pain in me chest and back.

I fell. I was wearing the chain so I was basicly a human with some spritual preasure. But this would still kill me.

My see sight stared to go blurry. I couldn't move. 

So I was dieing.

I had left for two secounds and I was dieing. That is pathetic. I wouldn't die like this.

No matter how much I wanted to I wouldn't close my eyes and fall a sleep.

I wouldn't. I wouln't ....

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