The Texts

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I turn on the shower to hot and walk in my room to get a tank top and pajama shorts and a towel. I walk back into the bathroom and strip down. While getting into the shower, I notice I don't have any shampoo. "Uhhhgg."

I get back out and wrap the towel around me. I find my mom working on the computer. "hey mom, I don't have any more shampoo." "Okay, I'm going to the store tomorrow any ways so I'll get some there. Borrow mine for right now." She answers. "Okay." "hey are you feeling okay?" "Not really" and I walk off to get the shampoo.

Keep it in. Hold it, don't let it fall! Don't let it come out! I can't though, it's gonna fall and I won't be able to keep it in. It's taken over me. I've been filled with sadness and it will eventually come out. Tears. It will come out with tears, and here it comes, uncontrollable.

Once I get out of the shower, I get dressed and dry my hair with the towel. I don't dry my face because it will reveal the tears. "Honey, it's 10:00, time to head to bed." "Okay mom, that's where I was going next. night." I lay in bed and try to fall asleep.


Brayden- hey can we talk?

I don't answer him and I'm not gonna.


Brayden- c'mon, please answer me!


Brayden- well, if you aren't gonna answer me, goodnight. I love you. I didn't mean any of that to happen. I'll see you tomorrow.

I do not want to see him tomorrow. I don't want to see him at all. I don't want anyone to see me.

Zoey- I don't want to see you. I don't want you to see me. I don't want anyone to see me. You embarrassed me. At first it was on accident, but when you laughed at me after, it broke my heart.

Brayden- I didn't want you to take it that way.

Zoey- but I did.

Zoey- I regret everything with you.

-couple minutes later-

Zoey- I regret the kiss.

I stopped talking to him. I cried so much, I couldn't believe I had that much tears. All I wanted to do was go to bed, and I did.

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