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"Mingyu?" Wonwoo snapped Mingyu out of his trance with his soft, low voice

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"Mingyu?" Wonwoo snapped Mingyu out of his trance with his soft, low voice.

Mingyu had been spacing out again, and Wonwoo didn't know how long he had been spacing out for. Mingyu looked around. There were posters hug up on the beige walls, Christmas stockings dangling from a string pinned up to the walls. His eyes darted from walls to the cup of coffee in front of him, the steam from the heated mocha warming his numb fingers. His eyes caught notice of Wonwoo's impatient fingers tapping away at the musky, brown table before them, causing Mingyu to look up at the boy.

"Sorry, did I space out?" Mingyu asked, although they both knew very well what the answer to that question would be.

Wonwoo exhaled slowly and crossed his arms over his chest, a look of exasperation etched on his face. Wonwoo made sure Mingyu knew that a mere sorry was not going to get this boy to forgive him. Mingyu mustered the widest smile humanly possible and let go of his cup to reach out in front of him. He willed Wonwoo to hold his hands and set their hands down gently on the table, Mingyu's knuckles brushing the wood of the table as he stared into Wonwoo's eyes- his dull, yet sparkling, eyes.

"Did you even hear anything I said?" Wonwoo sounded betrayed.

"Yes, of course," Mingyu nodded. "My day was fine, how was your day, darling?"

Wonwoo blushed; he always did. Whenever Mingyu called him darling, it were as if the stars suddenly collided and the moon fell onto his lap. No, he had to stop this. Wonwoo was supposed to be mad, yet here he was completely and utterly happy that Mingyu was holding his hands and calling him darling.

"You ruined my good day," Wonwoo sulked.

Mingyu's smile faltered ever so slightly, and Wonwoo felt guilty. His eyes widened and he was about to open his mouth before Mingyu spoke for him.

"I could never do such a thing, Wonwoo," Mingyu grinned cheekily. "You love me too much for me to ruin your day."

Wonwoo clenched his teeth, his jaw locked. He hissed slowly through his teeth, only to burst out into a fit of tiny giggles. His bubbly laughter filled up the empty coffee shop because Mingyu was right; Mingyu was always right. Wonwoo did love Mingyu too much, and Mingyu could never ruin Wonwoo's day.

It upset them both slightly when they had to pull their hands apart to drink their coffee before it got cold. Mingyu couldn't help but stare at Wonwoo as he set his cup down once he took a sip. Wonwoo looked so pleasant and peaceful with his dark hair swept to the left of his forehead. Wonwoo's eyes crossed slightly as he looked down into his own cup of coffee, the whipped cream leaving just a little amount of white froth on his upper lip. His tongue peeked out of his mouth to wipe away at the cream, and Mingyu could've sworn he shivered as Wonwoo did so.

"When do you get a break from Uni?" Wonwoo spoke up, Mingyu scrambling to act normal.

"Sometime next week, I think. Did you have anything you wanted to do?" Mingyu asked.

Wonwoo pouted and rested his right elbow on the table, his palm resting his chin as his fingers pressed against his thick lips.

"I was hoping we could start getting ready for Christmas," he murmured.

"Christmas is in two weeks, though. We have time," Mingyu said.

"I wanted this Christmas to be special though," Wonwoo sighed, his cheeks puffing out.

Mingyu smiled at the boy. He leaned back in his chair and smiled as he said, "Why are you so gosh darn cute, Wonwoo?"

Wonwoo, who hadn't realized exactly what he was doing, realized exactly what he was doing and sat up straight. He blinked rapidly several times and said, "Anyways, let's do something."

"Like what?" Mingyu asked.

"I don't know," Wonwoo mused out loud. "We could come up with something to do for each day of the week?"

"12 days of Christmas?" Mingyu asked.

Wonwoo nodded. "Something like that, but we do something every single day until you go back to Uni. When is that, anyways?"

Mingyu hummed, "I think around the thirteenth."

"Then that is what we will do," Wonwoo crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his nose in the air; he was content with the way things were working out and was so excited that his fingers would not keep still.

"Does that start today then?" Mingyu asked.


Mingyu held up his drink. "Coffee date?"

Wonwoo looked at the drinks and then back at Mingyu, a wide smile stretching across his face. He picked up his own cup and tapped it against Mingyu's cup before bringing the edge of the cup to his lips.

"Coffee date," he agreed.

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