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Wonwoo wondered what it was about school Mingyu was so adamant about

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Wonwoo wondered what it was about school Mingyu was so adamant about. He didn't have to go to the university today, but he went anyways. He said he was confused, and he said he had to look up some textbooks in the library. Wonwoo didn't mind, but Wonwoo himself was so confused and nothing else. He didn't question it because it was Mingyu.

Within the series of apartment houses of Wonwoo's neighborhood, there was a park, which just so happened to be conveniently placed right outside Wonwoo's apartment. Wonwoo looked out into the dark as he waited for Mingyu. He looked out at the park and stared at the swings. Wonwoo had never been to the park himself, nor had he seen an other living being at the playground of the park. Maybe it was because of the freezing cold temperature outside, or maybe it was because Wonwoo didn't go out so often. It was most probably the latter. Either way, it's not as if Wonwoo would have gone in general; he never went to a playground or park as a child.

Today, however, would be the day Wonwoo went to the park. He wanted to know what it felt like to be on the swings, to feel like he was a child. He didn't even feel as if he had a childhood, which was why he was going to sit on the swings and giggle his head off as his feet reached for the skies and his hair waved in the wind.

Wonwoo ran outside with nothing but a pair of slip ons, sweat pants, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. He should have thought things through and worn a heavier jacket, but he was so excited to get on the swings that he didn't care how cold he got. In fact, he was so excited, he got to the swings and plopped himself down on the seat, only to realize he did not know how to, well, swing. Wonwoo really should have thought things through before he ran outside like that, but now he was too cold to even start heading home. He just sat on the swings and waited. He didn't know what he was waiting for, but he knew if he waited long enough, something would happen.

Several minutes passed, and nothing happened. Wonwoo was still sitting outside in the cold. The only difference was that his teeth was starting to chatter and his arms and legs trembled uncontrollably. He should have headed back into the house, but he still wanted to wait outside. The sun had set a while back, and there was nothing to wait for. Little stars glimmered above him like tiny nose rings bedded into many, many noses. The biggest nose ring, the biggest star, shone right above of him and held steady. It didn't flicker, and it didn't disappear within the strings of grey clouds in the sky. It shone brightly without a disturbance. Wonwoo stared at it, and the unmoving star seemingly stared back at him.

"Wonwoo?" a voice called his name, and for a split second, Wonwoo thought it was the star that called out to him.

It wasn't the star; it was a familiar voice that was just behind him. Wonwoo turned and saw the taller boy he loved, a small smile appearing on his face as the boy came closer.

"What are you doing out here in the dark?" Mingyu asked.

"I wanted to go on the swings," Wonwoo said.

"Aren't you cold?" Mingyu asked; he always seemed to ask that.

"Yeah," Wonwoo laughed. "I didn't think it would be this cold."

Mingyu shook his head and rolled his eyes. He took off his backpack and placed it next to the swings as he took a seat on the swing right next to Wonwoo's. He sacrificed his scarf for Wonwoo, and Wonwoo was grateful. He buried his nose in the dark blue scarf and looked back up at the sky again. The star was still there, and Wonwoo believed that it would always be there. Mingyu looked up as well when Wonwoo continued to look up at the sky.

"What are you looking at?" Mingyu whispered.

"The star," Wonwoo breathed out.

"What star?"

"The one right above us. Don't you see it shining?"

"No?" Mingyu was confused.

"Then you must be blind."

"That would make sense," Mingyu laughed.

Wonwoo continued looking up at the star, Mingyu looking down at his feet after a while. He started rocking on his heels and swinging minimally. He let out a little sigh before turning to Wonwoo.

"Why are you out here anyways?"

"I wanted to go on the swings, but I forgot I didn't know how to swing. Plus it's too cold to swing."

Mingyu couldn't help but snort. Wonwoo turned to look at him, a pink blush painted across his pale skin.

"You're right, it's too cold to swing," Mingyu agreed. "I'll teach you how to one day."


"I promise."

Wonwoo smiled; he was happy. Today may not have been the day he would get to throw his head back and feel the wind rush through his hair as he soared through the sky and kicked the sun with the tip of his shoe, but he would one day. Mingyu promised him, and Wonwoo trusted Mingyu. Mingyu promised Wonwoo his childhood, and Wonwoo trusted Mingyu.

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