The Wedding

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Hey guys, quick side note, Tyler's family is religious, so this will be a traditional religious wedding. I don't mean to offend you, I'm not very religious myself. Just going with the facts. Also, the vows, speeches, and wedding transcript were not made by me. I edited them, however, to fit the names. ALSO ALSO EVEN THOUGH I WANT THIS TO BE AS CLOSE TO THE TRUTH AS POSSIBLE, ONE OF THE SPEECH'S FACTS ARE MESSED UP. IGNORE IT.

Tyler's POV

Josh and I went to pick up our giant tux order yesterday, along with the bridesmaid's dresses, before the rehearsal. I have the only tux with a white shirt under the black jacket and tie, all the other bachelors have black everything.

I am surprisingly really... not nervous? I don't know if there's a word for it. Content, maybe.

Actually, this is the most confident I've been in a while.

My guess is, I know she loves me, and she's not going to leave me for anything. I love her, so, so much, and I owe her the world for helping me find the missing puzzle piece to my life. I have something special planned tonight, for our first dance.

She let me pick the song, and told me not to tell her what it is. She wants it to be a surprise.

Right now, I'm in the car with Josh and all of the other bachelors, on the way to my parent's backyard. (That's where they're having the wedding.)

Josh is driving, and the rest of us are jamming to some music. 

I look at the clock.

Twenty minutes until I get married to that dime-piece wife I've been talking about all these years.

Your POV

The girls and I are waiting on Tyler and the guys to get here. Mom, (Tyler's mom, you call her mom,) is handing out the bouquets to everyone, making sure I'm the last to receive. She pulls me aside from everyone else.

"(Y/n), dear, come with me," she said with a smile, taking my hand in hers. I returned the smile, happily following her upstairs.

We get to Dad's (Tyler's dad, you call him dad), "man cave",  and she shows me over the the fridge, opening it.

She pulls out a big, beautiful, bouquet of white roses. There are white ribbons tying these flowers together, and also hanging from them. My smile never leaves as she hands them to me, tears in my eyes. 

"Sweetheart, now isn't the time to cry, we just did your make-up and got you dressed, your hair and everything," she stated, starting to cry a little herself. I laughed and nodded, carefully setting the flowers on a counter. I hugged her, thanking her for all she's done for me. She nods.

"It was no trouble. I love you, and I love Tyler. You really changed his life you know." I nodded once more, remembering all the stories Ty told me about depression and anxiety.

"I love you, too, Mom."

Ten minutes later, Tyler arrives, and the girls try to hide me away so he doesn't see the dress. He puts his hands up in defense and laughs, shouting an 'I love you' to me, even though he can't see me.

"I love you, too!"

Five minutes later, all of the guests are seated. The ceremony starts.

The Pastor and Tyler are waiting for me at the end of the white carpet Tyler's family laid out for me to walk on. Alex will be walking me down the aisle. 

The traditional wedding music starts to play, and Alex looks to me as if to say, "Are you ready?"

I nodded, and we made our way out into the open, my bouquet in hand.

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