One, Two...

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Matt paced around in his room... hugging himself and crying. "It's all my fault... it's all my fault.... it's all my fault... it's all my fault..." tears dripped on the ground.

Tom was in his room, lightly strumming his bass. Quite. Silence. The bass slowly slid off of his lap and tears streamed down his face. "It's all my fault.... it's all my fault... it's all my fault...."

Edd held his head in his hands, over-thinking everything.

There was the Matt plush... sitting by his bed. "It's all your fault... it's all your fault.... it's all your fault...." could be heard as clear as day. Matt looked over at it. " did it get there...?" "It's all your fault.... it's all your fault.... it's all your fault......" there was needles by it, shiny, sharp needles. "S-Shut up!" he walked over and picked it up. "It's all your fault.... it's all your fault... it's all your fault...." it forced him to pick up the needles. "One, two... let's start a new... three, four... drop dead to the floor.... five, six..... we're all getting dead sick.... seven, eight... no one's surviving at this rate.... nine, ten.... let's do it all again...." the doll giggled. "W-Why though......" "Never mess with Satan's doll....." it raised his arm, laughing. "W-WAIT, STOP-" he jabbed the needle through where a human's heart should be.


Tom lightly knocked on Matt's door, no response. "....Matt.... please.... let me in...." "............" "Please........" "............" the door was unlocked. ".............." he slowly turned it, opening the door. He was on the ground, blood coming out of his mouth. Life drained from his face and eyes... limp. "....M-Matt?" he teared up, rushing over to him. The Matt 'voodoo' was by him. "....n-no....." he picked it up. "W-Why??" he trembled. "One, two.... let's start a new....." the voice came from his room. Tom looked over at the door way. "Three, four... drop dead to the floor...." "O-Oh hell no...." he dropped it, rushing out. "Five, six... we're all getting dead sick..." he ran in his room, the Tom 'voodoo' by his bed. "I-I don't remember making a doll of myself..." "seven, eight... no one's surviving at this rate....." "S-SHUT UP!!" he walked over and picked it up. "Nine, ten... let's do it all again...." "I SAID SHUT UP!!!!" he twisted it's head off.


"One, two........ let's start a new..... three, four..... drop dead to the floor...... five, six.... we're all getting dead sick...... seven, eight.... no one's surviving this rate...... nine, ten..... let's do it all again...." Edd sang and smiled. Jamming all the needles he kept and was giving to Tom in the Edd 'voodoo's' head.

Voodoo (TordMatt)Where stories live. Discover now