I Will Take Extra Good Care of it, I Promise!

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Matt walked up to Tord's door, lightly knocking. "Tord.... can I talk to you...?" he asked. "Why of course you can, come in!" he said. "Okay..." he opened the door, holding the plush in his hand. "What do you need, my best friend?" he smiled and looked at him. "Best?" "Why, certainly!... is that.... a plush of me...?" he snickered. "Yeah! That's what I wanted to talk to you about!" he closed the door, walking over to him. "I found it in Tom's room?" "........the Jehovah, huh.... that is.......... creepy...." "He had a plush of Edd and I, too!" "That's way too creepy for me. Does he know you have it?" "Not yet, he thinks he lost it." "You have the others?" Tord sat down in his office chair by his desk. "No, just this one...." "..........." he stared at him. "Why just me?" "This one was torn apart and had needles in it! I found it yesterday. It had an eye missing and was dirty.... I thought it wasn't fair to it, so I took it." "That's cute; and just fantastic. I was the only one like that?" "Yup." "Figures, he hates my guts." he chuckled. "Yeah...I fixed it up and washed it." he smiled and hugged the plush. Tord felt the hug, his heart skipping a beat. A small, light-pink blush on his face. "L-Let me see it for a minute..." "Okay." He gave it to him.

Tord examined the doll, looking at the stitches and features. "Oh great... this isn't any ordinary doll. This is plain voodoo!" he said, he glared a bit at it and raised his voice. "No wonder why he put needles in it and wrecked it!!" Matt gently took the plush back, frowning. "Voodoo?" "Whatever happens to the doll, will happen to me." "Oh no! Why would Tom do such a thing?!" "I just said he hated my guts." "I promise I will take good care if it! Can I keep it, please?!" he hugged it once again. Tord stared at him. "........If you take extra good care of it... and promise nothing bad will happen to it.... gentle with it....."









"I will! I promised the doll, too. Everything will be okay and it doesn't have to worry!" he frowned, giving Tord puppy dog eyes. "Alright, alright, I'll let you keep it." "Yay! You're the best!" he ran up to him and hugged him tight. Tord chuckled, hugging back. "Love you, t-" he covered his mouth, eyes widening. "W-What?" he asked shocked. "U-Uh... i-in a.... platonic way... o-of course!" "Oh... yes, of course..." Matt chuckled nervously. So did Tord.

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