My night out part five

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My night out

Part five

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


After school in the parking lot

" Where would you like to go this weekend?" Steve asked me holding my hand in his.

" I don't know. I never go out. So I really don't know what to do." I said looking done at the ground

" Is there something that you would like to do." he placed his hand under my chin so I could look at him.

"How about you just pick a place and we to that. I have never been on a date before so I have no clue as what we should do. I just know that I would like to spend some time with you." I nodded my head.

" I want to get to know you, Faith. I really like you and its not just because of that night. Don't misunderstand me I loved that night that we had and would love to do it again. But I want more than that."

" Maybe we should do or go somewhere so we can talk." I suggested to him and he smiled at me.

"Good idea. Lets go out to dinner Friday night and a movie. And on Saturday lets go to the park and walk around and talk. Is that ok with you?"

" Sure. I think that would be nice." I said looking at him still.

" Good I'll see you tomorrow at school then?" He leaned into me a breath away from me. He was going to kiss me again and I stood still waiting for his lips to touch mine but he stopped just before his would touch mine. Waiting for what I did not know. Then it hit me he was waiting for me to come closer. I was stunned to say the least. But I moved that last little inch. I touched his lips with mine. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him and I melted into his body. I brought my arms up and around his waist. I held on to him like a life line. His body was hard and warm and solid against mine. He broke the kiss and looked down at me.

" If we do that for to long I might not be able to stop myself from having my way with you."

" I cant seem to believe that you found me. I never thought that you would even be with me. I thought that you would think that it was a big mistake and walk away from me."

" Well it took awhile to find you I give you that. You did have on a blond wig and that mask of yours. But on that last day of school I bumped into you and I thought that I was seeing things. I seen your eyes yes, but I had you on my mind since that night. So I thought that I was seeing things. You do know that I was looking for you. Why didn't you come to me and say anything?"

" I was afraid that you would not like me and I did not want to take the chance."

" Well I found you and I'm not letting you go, Faith. I want you right here with me." Forever he thought.

He kissed her one last time and then let her get in her car to leave. He stood there for a little while and then went to his car and drove home. He would not be able to sleep tonight but he would see her again he thought. He was planning on just more than tomorrow though. He was hoping to make it much longer than that.


That week in school was different from the other days. Steve and Faith sat in lunch together ad he walked her to her classes. They met outside before and after school to talk and of course kiss. Mike, Debbie, Joe and Liz would sit and talk with them. They all seemed to like her. Joe and Mike were happy that there friend had a girl that made him happy. Someone that would not hurt him or sleep around on him. Faith was a honest person. We all knew what her secret was but if she did not want to tell it was ok. If anyone did know she would never get any peace in school. But that was ok with us. We understood her reasons for not saying any thing. We all were going to the beach on Sunday. So we would see how the week went with them too. We all hoped for the best. ( None noticed the shadowy figure watching with hate filled eyes all week)

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