Round 1: Let's Get This Party Started

165 6 43

Would you rather...

●See your favorite hetalia ship be canon, or bring one of the characters to life (non anime style like for reals looking person)?

●Watch Russia twerk, or slap Spain's booty?

● #teamkuma or #teamgilbird

●Wax England's eyebrows, or shave off Italy's hair?

●Pet Germany's dogs, or pet Greece's cats?

●Date the world (all the countries or at least like 10 of them), or marry your favorite character?

●Cosplay with Japan, or breakfast with Canada?

●Have France constantly flirt with you, or constantly have America eating (loudly) behind you wherever you go?

●Go hello kitty shopping with China, or eat fondue with Liechtenstein and Switzerland?

●Dink around with the micronations, or chill with the G8?

●Write fanfiction with Poland (up to you to decide on the type of fanfiction *wink*), or make Christmas desserts with Finland?

●Have Turkey cook for you in a 'dinner and a show' kind of way, or take Romano out on a informal scenic date (like watching the sunset or some shit idk)?

(My answers: Bring a character to life, slap dat ass, #teamkuma, wax dem brows, DOGS, marry Canada, breakfast with babe ;) , I'll take the flirting...I think...maybe...shit idk, fondue with Switzy and Lily, chillin with the G8, Christmas cookies up in this bitch *makes it rain cookies*, date with Romano)

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