Round 5: My Dogs are Sleeping Next to Me :)

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Would you rather...

●Have Switzerland's goats or Germany's dogs?

●Be Pochi's walker person thingy, or take care of Netherlands' bunny? (Note: Rabbits smell...well most rodent/small furry related things do. I would know I had a guinea pig and a hamster, and my friends had rats, bunnies, ferrets, and all sorts of shit. But dog shit is worse so...your choice)

●Feed Kuma whenever he wants, or manage some of Spain's turtles?

●Help Poland take care of his pony, or go watch movies with Tony?

●Get rejected by the thug life hamster that rejected Russia, or  get scratched and evilly stared at by Australia's koala?

●Play with the nekotalias for as long as you want, or play with the birds of hetalia (aka Gilbird, Pierre, Mr. Puffin, am I forgetting any...?, If iggy ever had a parrot in his pirating days...idk)

●Run people (I should say anyone of your choosing) over with Spain's bull, or cuddle with China's panda? 

(My answers: DOGGOS, DOGGOS, Kuma be bae, Tony my bitch~, that thug life hamster is too legit to turn down (turn down for what!~ *music blasts in the background*), NEKOS, as much as I would love to run over like at least half the people in my schoo...generation; I shall take the panda 'cause I love those cuties)

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